Ljubljana Puppet Theatre Museum Collection

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Muzejska zbirka LGL - Lutkovna zapuščina Milana Klemenčiča
Krekov trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 300 0970

Ljubljana Puppet Theatre 2005 Doktor Faust Photo Nejc Saje.jpgDoctor Faustus performance staged in 2005 with the puppets made in 1938 by Milan Klemenčič. Directed by Jelena Sitar, music by Igor Cvetko, produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre.

While the puppetry depot is still housed at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, the selected puppets created by Milan Klemenčič are also on display in the Museum of Puppetry opened in 2015 at Ljubljana Castle.

Milan Klemenčič Collection

The Legacy of Milan Klemenčič Collection was donated to Ljubljana Puppet Theatre by the artist`s daughter, Mojca Klemenčič, and presented to the public as a permanent museum collection for the first time in 1990.

Housed in the attic of Ljubljana Puppet Theatre's headquarters building, the Collection presents a large part of the puppet theatre work created by painter Milan Klemenčič (1875–1957) who, while being educated as a painter in Italy and Germany, gathered the impulses and models for the establishment of his own puppet theatre. The most obvious influence is that of the famous Munich Marionetten-theater.

The collection comprises artistic and technical designs for puppet shows, puppets, scenic elements, and stage and written documents from the artist`s three main creative periods: The Little Puppet Theatre (1910–1917), the Slovene Puppet Theatre (1920-1924) and the Miniature Puppet Theatre (1936–1957). Of particular interest are the tiny, 10cm-high marionettes presented in their original stage setting – certainly one of the tiniest puppet theatres in the world.

From the last period of Klemenčič`s activities two shows have been preserved completely: Owl Castle (1936), and Doctor Faust (1938). On some occasions Ljubljana Puppet Theatre revived these shows and presented the artist's legacy 'live'.

See also

External links

Muzejska zbirka LGL - Lutkovna zapuščina Milana Klemenčiča +
Muzejska zbirka LGL - Lutkovna zapuščina Milana Klemenčiča +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Krekov trg 2 +
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre 2005 Doktor Faust Photo Nejc Saje.jpgDoctor Faustus performance staged in 2005 with the puppets made in 1938 by Milan Klemenčič. +
Doctor Faustus performance staged in 2005 with the puppets made in 1938 by Milan Klemenčič. +
+386 / 1 300 0970 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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