Look Back and Laugh

From Culture.si

Past events

Look Back and Laugh (LBAL) is a small publishing house issuing zines and artists' books. Led by the visual artist and graphic designer Zoran Pungerčar, this boutique enterprise was founded in 2011 and is stationed in Ljubljana. It runs a distinctively international profile, publishing artists from all over Europe and regularly participates in zine fairs abroad. Each year, Look Back and Laugh also organises a fair for zines called Caffeine Hours.

Look Back and Laugh is open to all sorts of art and has also published music (on cassette tape) and poetry. Possibly the most favoured technique for its publications is that of risograph printing.

Publications and artists

Amongst the roughly 3 publications issued each year, the Look Back and Laugh portfolio most often includes drawings, like, for example, Reversed Archeology by Geran Knol (BE), Peculiar Forest by Kjersti Johanne Barli (NO) and Remember my labour of love by Quentin Chambry from France.

There are also photograph collections (one such a work was a dialogue between the photographs of Jaka Bulc and the designs of Zoran Pungerčar, encapsulated in a zine called You Might Even Enjoy It, 2015) and music releases, such as a cassette tape by Oval Angle (BE), featuring a golden glitter tape with riso-printed covers. In 2014, LBAL published a book of poetry together with LUD Literatura. If one looks closely, semi-pornographic material from punk parties can also be found in LBAL's catalogue.

LBAL regularly frequents fairs and festivals all over Europe, among them, Grafixx, the festival for paper and print in Antwerp, Miss Read – The Berlin Art Book Fair, Blind Date Convention, Festival of the Artist’s Book – and also various punk fests (like Fluff Fest in the Czech Republic), which are very connected with the zine culture.

Caffeine Hours

As of 2011, Look Back and Laugh annually sets up the Caffeine Hours fair for zines and printed materials at either Klub Menza pri koritu or Tovarna Rog.

Zoran Pungerčar

Zoran Pungerčar lives and works in Ljubljana as a graphic designer, painter and illustrator. His style is quite distinctive and recognisable even though it ranges from art zines and graphic works to paintings and concert posters. He is much sought after for the latter, and has worked extensively with ŠKUC Buba Booking and Promotion. In 2012, one of his illustrations was featured in the New York Times.

Some of the places he has exhibited include P74 Gallery, KIBLA Portal, Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, the Independent Biennial and the Visions Festival, London (a group show).

External links

See also


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Look Back and Laugh +
Look Back and Laugh +
Look Back and Laugh (LBAL) is a small publishing house issuing zines and artists' books. +
Look Back and Laugh (LBAL) is a small publishing house issuing zines and artists' books. +
Look Back and Laugh je manjša neodvisna založba, ki izdaja zine in knjige umetnikov. +
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