MGL Library Book Collection



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Knjižnica MGL (knjižna zbirka Mestnega gledališča ljubljanskega)
Čopova 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 425 8222, 386 (0) 1 425 8255, 386 (0) 1 251 7064

MGL Library Book Collection is one of the oldest editions specialising in theatre theory and research in Europe. Since its constitution in 1958, the Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL) has published over 150 titles, including theoretical works by Slovenian dramaturgs and theatre practitioners as well as translations of essential texts on theatre research and history. The collection is run by Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL) and since 2007 edited by the dramaturg Petra Pogorevc.


The MGL Library Book Collection was launched in 1958 by Dušan Moravec, who focused on publishing original plays that were shown on the then Slovenian stages, contributions by theatre researchers and critics, and theatre memoirs and manuals. MGL Library first published Slovenian translations of canonical writers under Dušan Tomše, who was editor from 1966 do 1986. The series was subsequently edited by Tone Partljič, Vili Ravnjak, Tanja Viher and Alja Predan, who enriched the collection with authors such as Artaud, Craig, Klotz, Pavis, Melchinger and Ubersfeld as well as with original titles by domestic theorists and practitioners.

The current editor of the collection Petra Pogorevc has been focusing on titles that illustrate the heterogeneity of contemporary theatre practices and reflect their wider cultural and social context.


The MGL Library Book Collection has published original theoretical works by Slovenian theatre researchers and practitioners, including authors such as Dušan Moravec, Bratko Kreft, Josip Vidmar, Ferdo Delak, Taras Kermauner, Draga Ahačič, Bojan Štih, Rudi Šeligo, Dušan Jovanović, Vasja Predan, Blaž Lukan, Tomaž Toporišič, Nebojša Pop-Tasič, Tina Kolenik, Svetlana Slapšak, etc. The collection also includes translations of classical authors, such as Peter Brook, Antonin Artaud, Edward Gordon Craig, Jerzy Grotowski, Constantin Stanislavsky, Eugene Ionesco, Phyllis Hartnoll, Rudolf Laban, Aleks Sierz, Marvin Carlson and Patrice Pavis.

See also

External links

Knjižnica MGL (knjižna zbirka Mestnega gledališča ljubljanskega) +
Knjižnica MGL (knjižna zbirka Mestnega gledališča ljubljanskega) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Čopova 14 +
MGL Library Book Collection is one of the oldest editions specialising in theatre theory and research in Europe. +
MGL Library Book Collection is one of the oldest editions specialising in theatre theory and research in Europe. +
+386 / 1 425 8222, 386 / 1 425 8255, 386 / 1 251 7064 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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