Maribor Octet



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Mariborski oktet
Pobreška cesta 20, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 5 134 2794

Maribor Octet was established in 1973 by students of the Second Grammar School in Maribor. Led today by Franci Kovač, the current octet singers, Andrej Tiršek and Marijan Žagar (1st tenor), Marko Trampuš and Andrej Tomšič (2nd tenor), Matjaž Colnarič, Srečko Štrucl, Stanko Eršte (baritone) and Peter Izlakar and Marjan Kirbiš (bass), are all amateur musicians, but achieve a high level of professionalism.

International cooperation and awards

Ever since the beginning, Maribor Octet has been performing in Slovenia and abroad. By 2005 the Octet had performed more than 1,300 concerts at home and in Europe (Paris, Krefeld, Essen, Montreux, Cuneo, Milan), North America (Montana, Toronto, Cleveland, New York City, New Mexico), South America (Uruguay, Brazil) and East Asia (Japan).

The Maribor Octet regularly participates on international festivals, such as Festival in Montevideo (2007), Festival in Missouli (2006), Festival in Miane (2003) and so on. The octet received a prize at a festival in Cork, Ireland in 1986 and has also won several prizes in Maribor.


Its discography of six CDs features a strong international programme, including songs written by the Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek, and Maribor Octet's interpretations of contemporary choral compositions.

The octet published a CD for its 20th anniversary Mariborski oktet – 20 let (1993) as well as for its 30th anniversary Mariborski oktet - 30 let (2003). Other CDs include one of love songs and serenades Jaz bi rad rdečih rož (1995); one with a sacral programme Gloria (1997); one with folksongs Kaj ti je, deklica (2003) and a thematic CD with drinking songs Majolka bod' pozdravljena (2004).

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... more about "Maribor Octet"
Mariborski oktet +
Mariborski oktet +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Pobreška cesta 20 +
Maribor Octet was established in 1973 by students of the Second Grammar School in Maribor. +
Maribor Octet was established in 1973 by students of the Second Grammar School in Maribor. +
+386 / 5 134 2794 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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