Museum of the Leather Industry in Slovenia


Muzej usnjarstva na Slovenskem
Primorska cesta 6h, SI-3325 Šoštanj
Phone386 (0) 3 898 4420
Managed byVelenje Museum

The Museum of the Leather Industry in Slovenia presents the 210-year-old tradition of the leather industry in Šoštanj where the Vošnjak's tannery was established in 1788. It later grew into heavy industry exporting exquisite goods to other continents and ended up as the nationalised Leather Factory Šoštanj. It was finally abolished in 1999. The museum arose from a civil initiative and was established on the premises of the former factory by the Municipality of Šoštanj in 2009. It forms a branch of the Velenje Museum.

Apart from the history of the now-defunct leather industry in the country, the museum also displays several ambient presentations of a worker's apartment, a director's office, the shoemaking workshop and the industrialist Vošnjak (Woschnagg) family.

See also

External links

Muzej usnjarstva na Slovenskem +
Muzej usnjarstva na Slovenskem +
SI-3325 Šoštanj +
Primorska cesta 6h +
The Museum of the Leather Industry in Slovenia presents the 210-year-old tradition of the leather industry in Šoštanj where the Vošnjak's tannery was established in 1788. +
The Museum of the Leather Industry in Slovenia presents the 210-year-old tradition of the leather industry in Šoštanj where the Vošnjak's tannery was established in 1788. +
+386 / 3 898 4420 +
Šoštanj +
SI-3325 +
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