Nina Bulatovix


Nina Bulatovix

Nina Bulatovix is a three-piece ensemble that came together in 2009. One of the group's first concerts was held in Maribor's Gustaf Hall, Pekarna. The members founded the group out of a sense of rebellion and a dissatisfaction with empty words and narrow minds as well as a common understanding of underground and alternative culture. Nina Bulatovix successfully merges post-punk sound, spoken word, and experimental inserts on its recordings and in its performances.


The members of Nina Bulatovix worked together at Mariborski radio Študent (MARŠ) (Maribor’s student radio), where they were able to channel their musical creativity and independent thought. They helped organise Solar Pulse Music, a series of concerts promoting innovative rock music held in Gustaf Hall, Pekarna, and actively participated in Pekarna Magdalena Network. Prior, they were all musically active: Marko Širec was one of the driving forces in Coma Stereo, Jure Lavrin was the drummer for the indie rock bands We Can't Sleep at Night and Vortex Magnolia (with his brother Marko), and Gregor Kosi brought his vocal experiences (Vojtiva 8, Trak47) to the Nina Bulatovix table.

The band played a few concerts and they recorded their gig in April 2010 at Scena Festival and in the same year released it as a CD. Later, the rhythm section decided to relocate to Ljubljana, so the rehearsals moved as well – from the Pekarna Cultural Centre to Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Zone. Although the band members were involved in many other musical and also political projects, a new record was never a question.

Nina Bulatovix's album Jate was released by KAPA Records in November 2014 (the eleven songs featured on it were recorded in two days in a D.I.Y. studio in Pekarna Cultural Centre). It was very warmly received and voted amongst the three best Slovene albums of 2014 by the music editorial of Radio Študent.

See also

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Nina Bulatovix +
Nina Bulatovix +
Nina Bulatovix is a three-piece ensemble that came together in 2009. +
Nina Bulatovix is a three-piece ensemble that came together in 2009. +
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