Northern Primorska Regional Development Agency Ltd



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Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) Severne Primorske Nova Gorica d.o.o.
Mednarodni prehod 6, SI-5290 Šempeter pri Gorici
Phone386 (0) 5 330 6682

The Northern Primorska Regional Development Agency was established as a limited liability company by the municipalities of the region, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Northern Primorska and the Nova Gorica Regional Chamber of Crafts. The mission of the Agency is to stimulate complex development in the economy, ecology, social and spatial regulation and cultural sector of this western region of Slovenia by setting up, identifying funding for and developing a regional programme. The basic activities of the agency include consulting, education, development and supervision of projects, co-ordination, communication and raising funds. In recent years it has engaged in various projects, including opening an Innovation Centre, launching a voucher-based consulting system, opening the Foundation for Development and Education of Human Resources, launching the Innovative Initiative of Primorska project (developed by IN-PRIME), introducing benchmarking, analysing potential co-operation between industrial and cultural organisations in Primorska and amongst the Slovene minority in Italy in co-operation with Municipality of Nova Gorica, exchanging experience related to tourist products in line with the sustainable development of the countryside (a co-operation project between Municipality of Brda and Slovenes from Carinthia) and organising the project Ways and Monuments from Sovodnje and Doberdob to Trstelj in partnership with Municipality of Miren.

See also

External links

Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) Severne Primorske Nova Gorica d.o.o. +
Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) Severne Primorske Nova Gorica d.o.o. +
SI-5290 Šempeter pri Gorici +
Mednarodni prehod 6 +
The Northern Primorska Regional Development AgencyThe Northern Primorska Regional Development Agency was established as a limited liability company by the municipalities of the region, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Northern Primorska and the Nova Gorica Regional Chamber of Crafts.he Nova Gorica Regional Chamber of Crafts. +
The Northern Primorska Regional Development Agency was established as a limited liability company by the municipalities of the region, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Northern Primorska and the Nova Gorica Regional Chamber of Crafts. +
+386 / 5 330 6682 +
Šempeter pri Gorici +
SI-5290 +
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