NuFrame Studio


NuFrame d.o.o.
Ziherlova 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Phone386 (0) 41 206 128

NuFrame Studio is a Ljubljana-based production and post-production company founded in 2008 by colourist Teo Rižnar and animator Žiga Pokorn. It specialises in animation, motion graphics, VFX, image treatment and other post-production processes, which it performs using its own state-of-the-art digital intermediate suite.

Film co-production

Despite its size and relative youth, NuFrame has performed technical co-production and image post-production duties on a large number of major Slovenian film projects. These include Nekoč so bili ljudje (dir. Goran Vojnović, 2020), the multi-award-winning fantasy film Človek s senco (Man with a Shadow, dir. Ema Kugler, 2019), the horror film Prekletstvo Valburge (The Curse of Valburga, dir. Tomaž Gorkič, 2019), Ne bom več luzerka (My Last Year as a Loser, dir. Urša Menart, 2018) and Posledice (Consequences, dir. Darko Štante, 2018).

NuFrame has also been involved as co-producer in each of the short animated films in the Koyaa series conceived and produced by animator Kolja Saksida of ZVVIKS, starting in 2011 with Koyaa – Lajf je čist odbit (Koyaa The Extraordinary).

Commercial animation and apps

Animation for commercial clients and advertisers, who include Pivovarna Laško, Ljubljanske Mlekarne, Spar, Mercator and Telekom Slovenije, accounts for a significant portion of NuFrame's output. Game and app development is also an area of increasing interest, with one such project, Max Morrison, being developed from an animated film of the same name created at NuFrame by Žiga Pokorn. The latter won the Best International Animated Film at the World of Film International Festival in Glasgow in 2018.

See also

External links

... more about "NuFrame Studio"
NuFrame d.o.o. +
NuFrame d.o.o. +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Ziherlova 2 +
NuFrame Studio is a Ljubljana-based production and post-production company founded in 2008 by colourist Teo Rižnar and animator Žiga Pokorn. +
NuFrame Studio is a Ljubljana-based production and post-production company founded in 2008 by colourist Teo Rižnar and animator Žiga Pokorn. +
+386 / 41 206 128 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +