Panč Festival


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Panč festival stand-up komedije
Phone386 (0) 40 665 576
Organised byCeh za smeh
Festival dates21.8.2024 - 25.8.2024

Panč Festival is an international stand-up comedy festival which was established in 2008 in Ljubljana by the Kurz Rock Vibe crew, that later become Ceh za smeh (Association of Laugh). This several-day-long event usually takes place at the Ljubljana Castle courtyard and is the central stand-up occasion in Slovenia. It has hosted most, if not all, of the leading Slovene performers from this field as well as a strong international line-up, with the guests being invited from all over the world. The name of the festival is a derivative of the term punchline, which connotes a joke's climax.

Since 2010, in addition to the main summer event, a winter edition of the festival has also been taking place, a slightly more low-key evening called Zimski Panč (Winter Panč). Held at different Ljubljana venues like Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Cvetličarna, and the Festival Hall, it was for a time also simultaneously organised in Maribor at Narodni dom Maribor. The festival also had an over the border venture in Zagreb, Croatia, where a sister event, Pančić, was organised.

Festival guests

Some of the performers who have stood on the Panč stage: Klemen Bučan, Jonas Žnidaršič, Boštjan Gorenc - Pižama, Janez Trontelj, Boris Kobal, Slon in Sadež, Vid Valič, Lucija Ćirović, Tin Vodopivec, Perica Jerković, Admir Baltić, Martina Ipša, Klemen Slakonja, Sašo Stare, Aleš Novak, Uroš Kuzman, Žan Papič, Andrej Težak – Tešky and many more. The latter is also the festival initiator and organiser, and the head of Ceh za smeh.

The festival has also hosted guests from abroad such as Michael Mittermeier, Scott Capurro, Paul Sweeney, Geoff Boyz, Steve Hughes, Marina Orsag, Srdjana Dinčića, Carly Smallman, Tom Allen, Francesco de Carlo, Yacine Belhousse, Igor Meeron, Spencer Brown, and numerous others from Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, New Zealand, South Africa, and elsewhere.

Panc Festival 2022 Lucija Cirovic performing Photo Crt Piksi.jpgSlovenian comedian and actor Lucija Ćirović at the Panč Festival, Ljubljana 2022. Author: Črt Piksi

Ceh za smeh

Ceh za smeh (Asociation of Laugh) works with comedians at all levels, including newcomers at open mic evenings. The association holds stand-up comedy workshops under the PANČ academy, organizing events for both businesses and the general public. It also manages Slovenian, ex-Yugoslavian, and some English comedians and improvisers. Its flagship event is the annual PANČ festival in August at Ljubljana Castle, where they present their roster. Additionally, Ceh za smeh collaborates with 10KA, the club of laugh, providing a platform for established Slovenian comedians and nurturing young talent through stand-up workshops conducted in partnership with Pionirski dom Youth Culture Centre. Association’s activities encompass monthly stand-up performances, impro shows, and hosting comedians from around the globe, both in Ljubljana and across Slovenia.


See also

External links


... more about "Panč Festival"
Panč festival stand-up komedije +
5 days, August (occasionally also February) +
8.2.2012 - 9.2.2012, 21.8.2012 - 24.8.20128.2.2012 - 9.2.2012, 21.8.2012 - 24.8.2012, 8.2.2013 - 9.2.2013, 21.8.2013 - 24.8.2013, 8.2.2014, 21.8.2014 - 24.8.2014, 13.2.2015, 22.8.2015 - 26.8.2015, 14.2.2016, 22.8.2016 - 26.8.2016, 24.3.2017, 22.8.2017 - 26.8.2017, 22.8.2018 - 26.8.2018, 20.8.2019 - 25.8.2019, 20.8.2020 - 23.8.2020, 20.8.2021 - 24.8.2021, 21.8.2022 - 25.8.2022, 21.8.2023 - 25.8.2023, 21.8.2024 - 25.8.2024.8.2023 - 25.8.2023, 21.8.2024 - 25.8.2024 +
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annual +
Panč festival stand-up komedije +
SI-1295 Ivančna Gorica +
Muljava 1A +
Panč Festival is an international stand-up comedy festival which was established in 2008 in Ljubljana by the Kurz Rock Vibe crew, that later become Ceh za smeh (Association of Laugh). +
Panč Festival is an international stand-up comedy festival which was established in 2008 in Ljubljana by the Kurz Rock Vibe crew, that later become Ceh za smeh (Association of Laugh). +
+386 / 40 665 576 +
Ivančna Gorica +
SI-1295 +
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