Posavje Regional Development Agency

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Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) Posavje
Cesta krških žrtev 46, SI-8270 Krško
Phone386 (0) 7 488 1040

Posavje Regional Development Agency was founded as a non-governmental organisation in 1998 by the Municipalities of Brežice, Krško and Sevnica. It co-operates with the Development Centre Brežice, the Entrepreneurial Centre Krško, the Valvasor Research Centre, with Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry and of Crafts, and with farming advisory agencies, banks and other organisations. The Centre has prepared the Regional Development Programme of the Posavje region and has since been coordinating its implementation. It offers financial and organisational assistance, stimulates local initiatives, evaluates and promotes development potentials and co-ordinates participation in EU support programmes. The Centre has devised a Posavje Stipend Scheme aimed at stimulating employment policy and entrepreneurship amongst women, organised business education programmes for the young, conceived cross-border projects with Croatia, and monitored Posavje rural development in the context of the EU.

See also

External links

Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) Posavje +
Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) Posavje +
SI-8270 Krško +
Cesta krških žrtev 46 +
Posavje Regional Development Agency was founded as a non-governmental organisation in 1998 by the Municipalities of Brežice, Krško and Sevnica. +
Posavje Regional Development Agency was founded as a non-governmental organisation in 1998 by the Municipalities of Brežice, Krško and Sevnica. +
+386 / 7 488 1040 +
Krško +
SI-8270 +
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