

Description of a file

text dc:description (dc | Dublin Core Elements 1.1)

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Festival of Slovenian Jazz Creativity Snowdrops and Primroses in [[Cankarjev dom]], 2020.  +
6th Festival of Slovenian Jazz Creativity Snowdrops and Primroses in [[Cankarjev dom]], 2020.  +
Poster for the 10th Mountain Film Festival, 2016  +
''10 let'', a film by [[Peter Bratuša]], winner of the [[Vesna Award]] for Best Short Film, [[Festival of Slovenian Film]] 2010  +
A Tangible Encounter - Workshop and installation on Koderjana stream by the Dutch architecture office [[Studio Wild]] in collaboration with the student of the [[Faculty of Architecture]] in Ljubljana (Topolò/Topolove, spring 2019).  +
Poster for the 11th Mountain Film Festival, 2017  +
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Workshop Hearing the Margins during which the collective opened its own radio, Radio [[Robida]] (Topolò/Topolove, summer 2021).  +
Summer school of the [[Academy of Margins]], a collective learning experience in the village of Topolò (summer 2022). The summer school opened with an explorative walk of the landscape surrounding the village.  +
Video by [[Tomaž Tomažin]]  +
Summer school of the [[Academy of Margins]], a collective learning experience in the village of Topolò (summer 2022). Collective reading moment in the forest.  +
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Poster for the 16th [[Mountain Film Festival]], 2022  +
''Spectrum magenta'' by [[Eclipse]], [[Kapelica Gallery]], 2004  +
Poster for the 17th Mountain Film Festival, 2023  +
Poster for the 18th Mountain Film Festival, 2024  +
The first roundtable discussion on hearing protection at music events during [[Druga godba]] festival organized by [[Zavod Tinitus]] in May 2023. Experts and collaborators from the music scene came together to address the increasing importance of establishing a safer listening culture and explored potential measures to safeguard hearing from excessive sound exposure at such gatherings.  +
Opening event of [[Fabula Festival]] 2023 hosted the Ukrainian writer Oksana Zabužko, author of the novel ''Field Research of Ukrainian Sex'', that was interpreted by drama actor Mario Dragojević. The conversation with the author was led by Ksenija Horvat.  +
Poster for the first edition of the Mountain Film Festival which took place in 2007.  +
A gig by Blaž + Simon at the [[24 Hour Party People]] festival in 2014  +
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