RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper-Capodistria

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Regionalni center Koper-Capodistria RTV Slovenije

Phone386 (0) 5 668 5050 (radio), 386 (0) 5 668 5010 (television)
Past events

RTV Slovenia's Regional Broadcasting Centre at Koper-Capodistria was established in 1949 as a multilingual radio station, broadcasting programmes in Slovenian, Croatian, and Italian languages. In a period marked by a tense political situation over the new Slovene-Italian border, Radio Koper-Capodistria provided an important cultural bridge between the inhabitants of both territorial zones, two states and three nations, and its popularity later grew as it succeeded in its mission to inform as well as to educate and entertain the Slovene minority in Italy and the Italian minority in Slovenia. During the 1960s it became a platform for the development of the local TV station with broadcasting programme both in Slovenian and Italian.

Open border broadcasting programme

Today the main goal of the centre is to disseminate information and develop a creative cultural programme in a way which reinforces the notion of an open border. It achieves this through the programmes of Radio Koper-Capodistria and TV Koper-Capodistria, which both play a special role in the border region, connecting the inhabitants of Slovenia, Italy, and Croatia via an information and cultural service. With its Nova Gorica Branch Office the Regional Broadcasting Centre at Koper-Capodistria also covers the border region of North Primorska.

See also

External links

Regionalni center Koper-Capodistria RTV Slovenije +
Regionalni center Koper-Capodistria RTV Slovenije +
SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria +
Ulica OF 15 +
RTV Slovenia's Regional Broadcasting Centre at Koper-CapodistriaRTV Slovenia's Regional Broadcasting Centre at Koper-Capodistria was established in 1949 as a multilingual radio station, broadcasting programmes in Slovenian, Croatian, and Italian languages.lovenian, Croatian, and Italian languages. +
RTV Slovenia's Regional Broadcasting Centre at Koper-Capodistria was established in 1949 as a multilingual radio station, broadcasting programmes in Slovenian, Croatian, and Italian languages. +
+386 / 5 668 5050 .radio., 386 / 5 668 5010 .television. +
Koper-Capodistria +
SI-6000 +