Sevnica Castle Puppet Theater


Grajsko lutkovno gledališče (GLG) Sevnica (Boljšji teater, Snježana Pungerčič s.p.)
Prešernova ulica 5, SI-8290 Sevnica

Located at Sevnica Castle, which dates from the 12th century and lies approximately 85 km east of Ljubljana, Sevnica Castle Puppet Theater (GLG) was established in 2010. It was jointly founded by the husband-and-wife team Bernard Pungerčič (managing director, puppet-maker, animator, scriptwriter) and Snježana Pungerčič (artistic director, stage director, actor, scriptwriter).

As well as performing a repertoire of puppet shows, some based on traditional fairytales, the theatre also organises a variety of workshops and seminars for children and adults.


The theatre's permanent repertoire comprises three shows based on traditional fairytales (The Ugly Duckling, Hansel and Gretel and The Three Little Pigs), and four written and devised by Bernard and Snježana Pungerčič themselves: Cesarsko jabolko, a celebration of the history of Sevnica's famous indigenous apple; Zakaj sem Ajček?, which follows the adventures of a rabbit as he searches for the first letter of his name; (Ne)zgode v prometu, which teaches children the importance of road safety; and Kako je pastirček postal kralj, a classic rags-to-riches fairytale. All shows are performed at the castle, but may also be booked for performances elsewhere.

Educational activities

GLG engages in a wide variety of educational activities, from puppet-making workshops and seminars for children and teachers to advice on puppet-making, performance and direction for those looking to set up their own puppet theatres and groups. It has also devised a 30-minute programme for children and adults that presents some of the puppetry techniques used by the theatre (hand and finger puppets, shadow puppets, pull-string and rod puppets, body puppets, and so on).

Festivals and other events

Lutkart is an annual one-day art and puppetry colony for children, organised by the theatre since 2013 and comprising puppetry presentations, workshops, shows and painting competitions. Every year since 2010, the theatre has also organised a one-day series of events to mark World Puppetry Day on 21 March, including guest appearances from puppeteers and theatres from outside Slovenia.

Since 2012 the theatre has also hosted the annual Kruha in iger (Bread and Circuses) festival, which showcases puppets and puppet shows devised by local schoolchildren.

International tours

The theatre has regularly shown its work abroad, travelling to Switzerland and Austria in 2016, Hungary in 2018 and Luxembourg in 2019. In November 2019 it also embarked on a short tour of the United States, which included a performance at the Kids Euro Festival in Washington, DC.

See also

External links

Grajsko lutkovno gledališče (GLG) Sevnica (Boljšji teater, Snježana Pungerčič s.p.) +
Grajsko lutkovno gledališče (GLG) Sevnica (Boljšji teater, Snježana Pungerčič s.p.) +
SI-8290 Sevnica +
Prešernova ulica 5 +
Located at Sevnica Castle, which dates from the 12th century and lies approximately 85 km east of Ljubljana, Sevnica Castle Puppet Theater (GLG) was established in 2010. +
Located at Sevnica Castle, which dates from the 12th century and lies approximately 85 km east of Ljubljana, Sevnica Castle Puppet Theater (GLG) was established in 2010. +
Sevnica +
SI-8290 +