Slovenia - Guest of Honour Country at the Bologna Children's Book Fair 2024


Slovenija - častna gostja v Bologni 2024
Slovenian Book Agency, Metelkova 2b, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 369 5820
Past events

Over 900 titles for children and teenagers are published in Slovenia annually, representing almost a quarter of all book production. The appearance of Slovenia as honorary guest at the Bologna Children's Book Fair is a unique opportunity to focus attention on our book publishing industry and rich creativity and tradition in the field of books for children and young adults.

The Bologna Children's Book Fair is, beside the book fair in Frankfurt, the international platform at which the greatest number of Slovene publishers are presented, either independently or as part of the Slovene national stand.

In recent years representatives from Slovenia have often been selected to present their opus within the Bologna Book Fair, let us mention Peter Škerl, Alenka Sottler, Lila Prap, Maja Kastelic, Andreja Peklar and Ana Zavadlav.

Slovenian Book Agency is in charge of the project organisation.

See also

External links

Slovenija - častna gostja v Bologni 2024 +
Slovenija - častna gostja v Bologni 2024 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Slovenian Book Agency, Metelkova 2b +
Over 900 titles for children and teenagers are published in Slovenia annually, representing almost a quarter of all book production. +
Over 900 titles for children and teenagers are published in Slovenia annually, representing almost a quarter of all book production. +
+386 / 1 369 5820 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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