Tinitus Institute

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Zavod Tinitus
Cesta v Rožno dolino 26, SI-1000 Ljubljana

TINITUS Institute is committed to promoting healthy listening habits and preventing permanent hearing damage by raising awareness among individuals, particularly young people and those involved in the music environment. The organization aims to educate them about the potential risks of prolonged exposure to loud music and encourage the adoption of preventive measures to protect their hearing. TINITUS also advocates for the implementation of regulations that ensure a safe environment for performers and audiences, taking into account venue specifics and music genres. Their vision is a world where people can enjoy music without risking their hearing, and they believe that by raising awareness and collaborating with stakeholders, this vision can be achieved, positively impacting listening culture and public health.

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Zavod Tinitus +
Zavod Tinitus +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Cesta v Rožno dolino 26 +
TINITUS Institute is committed to promoting healthy listening habits and preventing permanent hearing damage by raising awareness among individuals, particularly young people and those involved in the music environment. +
TINITUS Institute is committed to promoting healthy listening habits and preventing permanent hearing damage by raising awareness among individuals, particularly young people and those involved in the music environment. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +