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[[Young Rhymes]] [''Mlade rime''] are a monthly series of poetry readings that are taking place at the [[Klub Menza pri koritu|Menza pri koritu]] ("Canteen at the Trough") since 2005. They present the voices of young or fresh or upcoming poets, who are given the opportunity to either read their pieces to an informed and interested audience, or be a part of this (predominantly young) audience. As such, Young Rhymes facilitate an open community of those interested in poetry and have probably became one of the cornerstones of Slovenian poetry scene-in-the-making.
A regular evening usually consists of about five or six (or sometimes more) readings, which are accompanied by a recital from an already more established poet. Very often, the evening is then closed by a music concert and occasionally the readings themselves are a concert. Sometimes, they invite foreign guests and from time to time, they hold a sort of special edition evenings. With a what they call rock'n'roll approach, Young Rhymes is an organic and organisation-wise very often improvised series of events that aim to free poetry from the many pre-established notions and connotations it may have. A distinctive quality that sets Young Rhymes apart from other similar events is their explicit openness, which means that all the applicants get to present their poems on these evenings, be they good or not so good.  
Mlade rime so pesniški večeri, namenjeni predstavljanju mladih, novih, neuveljavljenih pesnikov in pesnic. Cilj Mladih rim je omogočiti novim pesniškim glasovom prostor, kjer lahko preskusijo svoje pesmi, se prvič (ali drugič) srečajo s publiko. Je tudi prostor, kjer lahko poslušajo poezijo svojih kolegov. Na vsakem večeru nastopi pet do šest novih, neuveljavljenih pesnikov oz. pesnic, sledi pa jim pesniški gost, že uveljavljeno ime slovenske poezije. Tako lahko tisti, ki so na začetku svoje ustvarjalne poti, svojo poezijo vzporejajo s poezijo nekoga, ki je že prehodil kak kilometer ali dva. Hkrati pa oboji berejo relativno mladi publiki. Mlade rime spodbujajo medgeneracijsko komunikacijo. Ideal Mladih rim je pesniška skupnost, ki nastaja ob branju in poslušanju poezije.
''Mlade rime'' ("Young rhymes") is a monthly series that is taking place at the [[Klub Menza pri koritu|Menza pri koritu]] ("Canteen at the Trough") since 2005, when two relevant things happened. The series itself was started by two Spanish volunteers and exchange students, and – with the aim to set upa  similar enterprise – the [[KUD Kentaver]] was established by a pair of poets, [[Dejan Koban]] and [[Veronika Dintjan]]. In 2006, the series was passed into their care and has since than grown to be the prime place for both the upcoming poets to present their poetry to an informed and interested audience. 
Mlade rime rime sta septembra 2005 začela organizirati Carmen Perez in Jacob Amo, španska študenta novinarstva. Ena od obveznosti študentske izmenjave je bilo prostovoljno delo. Ker sta oba pisala, sta se odločila organizirati pesniške večere. Pri tem jima je pomagal Sašo Kronegger iz Društva za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela, ki ju je povezal z Mladinskim centrom Menza pri koritu, oziroma s Sašom Bernardom in na strani KUD Mreža tudi z Natašo Serec.  
A regular evening usually consists of about fire or six concise performances, one of which is usually done by an already more established poet. Very often, the evening is closed by a music concert, which is genre open.
Since 2014, Young Rhymes also hold regular evenings in the [[Pekarna Cultural Centre]].
Zagotovo je raznolikost del Mladih rim, še bolj pa mogoče pluralnost, demokratičnost; naš oder (se trudimo) je odprt zares najširši možni paleti poetik in ljudi. Za Mlade rime ni pomembno zgolj »delovanje« ampak »so-delovanje«. Naš festival obstaja predvsem zaradi dobre volje vseh ljudi, ki ga z branjem pesmi, oblikovanjem scene, z delom v Menzi sooblikujejo. Bolj pomemben princip kot selekcija je vključevanje, mogoče celo grajenje neke skupnosti, vsaj začasne.
Absolutno. Poezija na Mladih rimah ni nikoli ločena od drugih načinov izraza. Mi radi mešamo, tako žanre, umetnosti, nivoje umetniškega ustvarjanja, vse, kar lahko
In 2005 and with the help of [[DRPPD - Association for Development of Preventative and Volunteer Work]] and [[KUD Mreža Arts and Culture Association]], the series itself was started by two Spanish volunteers and exchange students Carmen Perez in Jacob Amo. Coincidently, a pair of poets ‐ [[Dejan Koban]] and [[Veronika Dintjan]] ‐ have in that same time established the [[KUD Kentaver]] with the aim to set up a similar enterprise and in 2006, the series was passed into their care.
Sometime, prose as well.,.
Not long after the organisers decided to set up some sort of a sum-up of the season and invited all the participants of the year past to attend in a one rather prolonged evening. They've done the same thing in the years that followed and in [[established::2008]], the ''Young Rhymes Festival'' officially came to be.  
==Young Rhymes Festival==
==Young Rhymes Festival==  
Od leta 2008 prirejamo meseca junija namesto junijskih Mladih rim večdnevni festival. Prvo sezono smo za 9. Mlade rime namreč povabili vse pesnike, ki do takrat brali na Mladih rimah. Odzvalo se jih je kar lepo število in imeli smo prvi pesniški mini maraton. Drugo leto je bilo povabljenih pesnikov še enkrat več. Tako smo se odločili, da pripravimo večdnevno branje. Prvi festival je trajal pet dni. Drugi festivalje trajal kar 15 dni. Do danes smo organizirali 7. edicij festivala.
While the festival started as a one very long evening, it soon grew to be a two week long affair with a huge number of participants and a very strong musical line-up. While this arrangement worked quite decently, the festival has now been condensed into about one week and has its programmed poets curated by Dejan and Veronika. It is structured similarly to the regular Young Rhymes evenings but has a somewhat richer additional programme that features cabaret, improvised music interventions, concerts (sometimes more of them in one evening), video performances and so on.  
In [[established::2008]], a sort of a sum-up of the year was done and the organisers invited all the participants of the year past to attend a one rather prolonged evening. They've done a similar thing in the following years, so the festival grew to be a two week long affair with a a very strong musical line-up. With time, the participant of the festival are a curated a little and as the series now host a huge number of participants, only a part of them gets to the stage of the festival.
As Young Rhymes has an explicit DIY and guerilla mentality, often the visitors are invited to help with the preparations and setting up of the festival.
vrhunske vsebine z nekdaj podtalnim naredi-sam pristopom in sodobnimi trendi družbenega povezovanja. Vaše knjižice, denimo, so primer socialnega založništva, ob festivalu pa ste vse zainteresirane povabili vsaj k pomoči pri pripravi scene.
Young Rhymes actively collaborates with other asscoations active in the field of poetry.  
Young Rhymes actively associate themselves with various other nodal actors in the field of poetry. They collaborated with [[LUD Literatura]] and [[Festival Pranger]], and were hosted by the [[Sanje ('Dreams') Festival]], the ''Noster nostri Festival'' and the ''3P - Pesniška prihodnost''. Yong Rhymes have been invited to a number of other venues in Slovenia and have been held in Koper, Nova Gorica, Ribnica, Tržiča, Clagenfurt (AT) and Trieste (IT). They also collaborate with Župančičeva frulica, a project that features a number of young poets and readers of poetry from primary and high schools from all over Slovenia.  
Skupaj z LUD Literatura so organizirale 9. ljubljanski pesniški slem. Več let zapored so avgusta meseca sodelovale s programom na festivalu Sanje. Gostovale so na festivalu Noster Nostri v Kostanjevici na Krki, večkrat tudi na festivalu 3P Pesniška prihodnost v koprski Pini. Mlade rime so, ob pomoči lokalnih soorganizatorjev, gostovale po Sloveniji in njeni širši regiji: v Kopru (3x), Novi Gorici, Ribnici, Tržiču, Celovcu, Trstu.
Tako da smo se takoj odločili, da naslednje leto (to je letos) spet sodelujemo. 3. 7. bo  Pranger gostoval na Mladih rimah v Menzi pri koritu, več pa lahko preberete na spletnih straneh Prangerja in Menze pri koritu.
Z Župančičevo frulico sodelujemo letos drugo leto - srednje šole
Od leta 2014 se Mlade rime odvijajo redno tudi v mariborski Pekarni, v dvorani Gustaf. Pobudnika organizacije Mladih rim v Mariboru sta bila Nina Ditmajer in Klemen Šali, organizacijsko pa jih podpirajo še MKC Črka, Bukvarna Ciproš in revija Liter jezika.
Poezijo v Vodnikovi domačiji bodo brali:
==Hosted poets and musicians==
Vaše knjižice, denimo, so primer socialnega založništva, ob festivalu pa ste vse zainteresirane povabili vsaj k pomoči pri pripravi scene.
==See also==
==See also==
* [[Klub Menza pri koritu]]  
* [[Klub Menza pri koritu]]  
* [[Pekarna Cultural Centre]]
* [[Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Zone]]
* [[Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Zone]]
* [[KUD Kentaver]]
* [[KUD Kentaver]]
* [[KUD Mreža Arts and Culture Association]]
* [[Pranger Festival]]
* [[Pranger Festival]]
==External links==
==External links==
* [[http://mladerime.wix.com/mlade-rime The Young Rhymes Festival website]]
* [[http://mladerime.wix.com/mlade-rime The Young Rhymes website]]
* [http://www.menzaprikoritu.com/ Menza pri koritu Club website]  
* [http://www.menzaprikoritu.com/ Menza pri koritu Club website]  

Revision as of 11:35, 23 June 2015

Mlade rime
Masarykova 24, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 434 0345
Managed byKUD Kentaver
Festival dates22.6.2015 - 29.6.2015

Young Rhymes [Mlade rime] are a monthly series of poetry readings that are taking place at the Menza pri koritu ("Canteen at the Trough") since 2005. They present the voices of young or fresh or upcoming poets, who are given the opportunity to either read their pieces to an informed and interested audience, or be a part of this (predominantly young) audience. As such, Young Rhymes facilitate an open community of those interested in poetry and have probably became one of the cornerstones of Slovenian poetry scene-in-the-making.

A regular evening usually consists of about five or six (or sometimes more) readings, which are accompanied by a recital from an already more established poet. Very often, the evening is then closed by a music concert and occasionally the readings themselves are a concert. Sometimes, they invite foreign guests and from time to time, they hold a sort of special edition evenings. With a what they call rock'n'roll approach, Young Rhymes is an organic and organisation-wise very often improvised series of events that aim to free poetry from the many pre-established notions and connotations it may have. A distinctive quality that sets Young Rhymes apart from other similar events is their explicit openness, which means that all the applicants get to present their poems on these evenings, be they good or not so good.

Since 2014, Young Rhymes also hold regular evenings in the Pekarna Cultural Centre.


In 2005 and with the help of DRPPD - Association for Development of Preventative and Volunteer Work and KUD Mreža Arts and Culture Association, the series itself was started by two Spanish volunteers and exchange students Carmen Perez in Jacob Amo. Coincidently, a pair of poets ‐ Dejan Koban and Veronika Dintjan ‐ have in that same time established the KUD Kentaver with the aim to set up a similar enterprise and in 2006, the series was passed into their care.

Not long after the organisers decided to set up some sort of a sum-up of the season and invited all the participants of the year past to attend in a one rather prolonged evening. They've done the same thing in the years that followed and in 2008, the Young Rhymes Festival officially came to be.

Young Rhymes Festival

While the festival started as a one very long evening, it soon grew to be a two week long affair with a huge number of participants and a very strong musical line-up. While this arrangement worked quite decently, the festival has now been condensed into about one week and has its programmed poets curated by Dejan and Veronika. It is structured similarly to the regular Young Rhymes evenings but has a somewhat richer additional programme that features cabaret, improvised music interventions, concerts (sometimes more of them in one evening), video performances and so on.

As Young Rhymes has an explicit DIY and guerilla mentality, often the visitors are invited to help with the preparations and setting up of the festival.


Young Rhymes actively associate themselves with various other nodal actors in the field of poetry. They collaborated with LUD Literatura and Festival Pranger, and were hosted by the Sanje ('Dreams') Festival, the Noster nostri Festival and the 3P - Pesniška prihodnost. Yong Rhymes have been invited to a number of other venues in Slovenia and have been held in Koper, Nova Gorica, Ribnica, Tržiča, Clagenfurt (AT) and Trieste (IT). They also collaborate with Župančičeva frulica, a project that features a number of young poets and readers of poetry from primary and high schools from all over Slovenia.

Vaše knjižice, denimo, so primer socialnega založništva, ob festivalu pa ste vse zainteresirane povabili vsaj k pomoči pri pripravi scene.

See also

External links

... more about "Young Rhymes"
Mlade rime +
June-July, 4 days +
26 (2014) +
22.6.2015 - 29.6.2015 +
20,150,629 +
20,150,622 +
201426 +, 201526 +  and 201527 +
annual +
46.056 +
Mlade rime +
14.517 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Masarykova 24 +
Mlade rime so pesniški večeri, namenjeni predstavljanju mladih, novih, neuveljavljenih pesnikov in pesnic. +
Mlade rime so pesniški večeri, namenjeni predstavljanju mladih, novih, neuveljavljenih pesnikov in pesnic. +
+386 / 1 434 0345 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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