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Located in the narrow valley beneath the Jelovica plateau, Kropa has preserved the appearance of an old iron-making settlement. The themes of the museum cover the technical and historical development of iron-working from iron ore to nail. The museum introduces the commercial, social, demographic and cultural circumstances of the settlement and neighbouring sites from the 15th century to the close of the iron foundry tradition in the 19th century and the downfall of nail-making handicraft in the 20th century. The museum also features a special collection of artistically-forged iron objects made by master blacksmith Joža Bertoncelj.  The Slovene furnace, a technical monument from the 13th century, is located nearby some 500 meters uphill.  
Located in the narrow valley beneath the Jelovica plateau, town of Kropa has preserved the appearance of an old iron-making settlement and is protected from 1953 as important state cultural monument. 
Kropa Iron Forging Museum was established in [[established ::1952]] as first technical museum ''in situ''. It was founded on endavour of locals and expert public especially prof. Franjo Baš who was at that time director of [[Technical Museum of Slovenia]]. Nowadays it is administered by [[Radovljica Municipality Museums]]. Museum building where permanent and temporary exhitions are held is in old forging house called Klinar's House from 18th century. The themes of the museum cover the technical and historical development of iron-working from iron ore to nail. The museum introduces the commercial, social, demographic and cultural circumstances of the settlement and neighbouring sites from the 15th century to the close of the iron foundry tradition in the 19th century and the downfall of nail-making handicraft in the 20th century. The museum also features a special collection of artistically-forged iron objects made by master blacksmith Joža Bertoncelj.  
== History==
== History==
Important archaeological finding of how iron was forged in middle ages is so called Slovene furnace from 13th century that was found during excavations for the road towards Selca. Notable development of town Kropa begun in 14th century. In 15th century already two iron forging furnaces and blacksmith workshops existed. Peak of iron forging was in 18th and 19th century  
Notable development of town Kropa begun in 14th century. Important archaeological finding of how iron was forged in middle ages is so called Slovene Furnace that was found during excavations for the road towards Jamnik village above Kropa. In 15th century already two iron forging furnaces and blacksmith workshops existed. Peak of iron forging was in 18th and 19th century two iron foundries, 7 blacksmith semimanufactures (cajnarica) and 19 nail blacksmith workshops (vignjenc)were operating. Foundaries closed the end of 19th century, because of shortage of iron ore.
Razvijati se je začela v 14. stoletju, v 15. stoletju sta tam že delovali dve fužini in kovačnice.obratovali sta obe fužini, sedem cajnaric (kovačnice za polizdelke) in 19 vigenjcev (kovačnice za žeblje). Ob koncu 19. stoletja sta fužini zaradi krize in pomanjkanja rude morali prenehati z delom, kovači pa so rešitev našli v ustanovitvi žebljarske zadruge, ki je pomenila začetek industrializacije.
Kovaški muzej KropaKovaški muzej Kropa prikazuje tehnično-zgodovinski razvoj obdelave železa od rude do žeblja, gospodarske, socialne, demografske in kulturne razmere v Kropi in sosednjih železarskih naseljih od 15. stoletja do propada fužin v 19. in ročnega žebljarstva v 20. stoletju. Kot prvi tehniški muzej na Slovenskem je bil odprt leta 1952 na pobudo domačinov in strokovne javnosti, ki se je pod vodstom prof. Franja Baša, prvega ravnatelja Tehniškega muzeja Slovenije, prizadevala za ohranjanje tehniške dediščine »in situ«. Posebno zbirko predstavljajo umetniško kovani izdelki iz železa mojstra Joža Bertonclja. Danes muzej deluje v okviru Muzejev radovljiške občine, zaradi svoje posebne vsebine pa je vključen v državno muzejsko mrežo.
Večji del današnje podobe je muzej dobil po prenovi leta 1972. V prvem nadstropju so z dokumenti in predmeti predstavljene osnove železarstva v Kropi, Kamni Gorici in Kolnici ter razvoj industrijskega zadružništva, z maketami pa delovanje fužine (Zgornja fužina), vigenjcev in mehov. Maketa v salonu prikazuje Kropo v prvi polovici 19. stoletja. Leta 1975 je muzej postal bogatejši za 42 del mojstra umetniškega kovaštva Joža Bertonclja. Predstavljeni so v posebni sobi v muzeju.
zbirka zebljevV drugem nadstropju je v etnološki sobi prikazano življenje kroparskih kovačev, njihovih šeg in navad s predmeti vsakdanje rabe.
V zbirki žebljev je na ogled 94 vrst ohranjenih žebljev, od najmanjših za podtemlanje čevljev do največjih žebljev za gradnjo jezov, dolgih do 70 cm.
Zbirka zebljevRazstavljeni so tudi vzorci čevljarskih žebljev planinčarjev, zadnjih ročno kovanih žebljev, ki so jih v Kropi izdelovali do leta 1950.
V drugem nadstropju se nahaja še soba za občasne in gostujoče razstave. Od julija 2008 je v muzeju urejena tudi projekcijska soba v pritličju. Na ogled sta dva slovenska filma Milke in Metoda Badjure, Koledniki iz leta 1954 in Kroparski kovači iz leta 1967, prostor pa je namenjen tudi muzejskim predavanjem in predstavitvam.
Muzej se že od odprtja nahaja v prostorih Klinarjeve hiše na Placu, osrednjem delu starega trškega jedra Krope.
Klinarjeva hiša Klinarjeva hiša iz konca 18. stoletja je primer ene bolj mogočnih fužinarskih hiš, katerih zunanjost zaznamujejo kamnoseški detajli iz zelenega kamna in kovani dodatki, notranjost pa členitev na stanovanjski del hišnega posestnika in prostore njegovih najemnikov, delavcev. V prvem nadstropju, kjer je bilo stanovanje fužinarjeve družine, se je ohranila značilna osrednja soba, salon, ki ga odlikuje kasetiran strop, dopolnjen s tremi baročnimi oljnimi platni.
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[Radovljica Municipality Museums]
==External links==
==External links==

Revision as of 13:55, 4 January 2010


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Kovaški muzej, Kropa
Kropa 10, SI-4245 Kropa
Phone386 (0) 4 533 7200

Located in the narrow valley beneath the Jelovica plateau, town of Kropa has preserved the appearance of an old iron-making settlement and is protected from 1953 as important state cultural monument. Kropa Iron Forging Museum was established in 1952 as first technical museum in situ. It was founded on endavour of locals and expert public especially prof. Franjo Baš who was at that time director of Technical Museum of Slovenia. Nowadays it is administered by Radovljica Municipality Museums. Museum building where permanent and temporary exhitions are held is in old forging house called Klinar's House from 18th century. The themes of the museum cover the technical and historical development of iron-working from iron ore to nail. The museum introduces the commercial, social, demographic and cultural circumstances of the settlement and neighbouring sites from the 15th century to the close of the iron foundry tradition in the 19th century and the downfall of nail-making handicraft in the 20th century. The museum also features a special collection of artistically-forged iron objects made by master blacksmith Joža Bertoncelj.


Notable development of town Kropa begun in 14th century. Important archaeological finding of how iron was forged in middle ages is so called Slovene Furnace that was found during excavations for the road towards Jamnik village above Kropa. In 15th century already two iron forging furnaces and blacksmith workshops existed. Peak of iron forging was in 18th and 19th century two iron foundries, 7 blacksmith semimanufactures (cajnarica) and 19 nail blacksmith workshops (vignjenc)were operating. Foundaries closed the end of 19th century, because of shortage of iron ore.

See Also

  • [Radovljica Municipality Museums]

External links

... more about "Kropa Iron Forging Museum"
Kovaški muzej, Kropa +
46.291 +
Kovaški muzej, Kropa +
14.205 +
SI-4245 Kropa +
Kropa 10 +
Located in the narrow valley beneath the Jelovica plateau, the town of Kropa has preserved the appearance of an old iron-making settlement and since 1953 has been protected as important state cultural monument. +
Located in the narrow valley beneath the Jelovica plateau, the town of Kropa has preserved the appearance of an old iron-making settlement and since 1953 has been protected as important state cultural monument. +
+386 / 4 533 7200 +
Kropa +
SI-4245 +
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