Galerija BOKS Society
The magazine set of in 2013. Its start goes back further, to 2009, when a group of students from ALUO and FA created a project of an autonomous platform for a gallery space. The gallery space did not turn put due to differences with aluo, but društvo boks was created and niciativa je v sodelovanju z DPU (Delavsko punkersko univerzo) pripravila Simpozij Kako misliti avtonomne sturkture znotraj univerze v Ljubljani, s katerim je poskušala analizirati odpor inštitucije do ideje študentske avtonomije.
Later, the Boks Society continued with the so called "reading evenings" at MSUM, reading adn dsicussing relevant textzs for thingling of contemporary art. Itb wqs part of the Living Depo project, an enterpise to focus on the relations between history, memory, art and dcumentation.
Another unrealised project was the politics of exhibtion, which would conclude with an exhibition of student works, which is also its main event. The purpose of the project was to present problems of exhibiting on both practical and theoretical level, with exhibitons, lectures, and a final publication.
This later sort of got realise din a project “Mladi na stičišču med umetnostjo in družbo”, which involved 12 meeting and discussions about the 6 relevant art pieces from national museums and galleries. Texts, ki so nastala kot posledica aktivne participacije udeležencev bodo zbrana v publikaciji, izdaja katere je eden od predvidenih rezultatov projekta. Out of this grew sumn magazine.
See also
External links
- [Galerija Boks Society website]