Ivan Grohar Gallery, Škofja Loka

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Galerija Ivana Groharja, Škofja Loka
Mestni trg 37, SI-4220 Škofja Loka
Phone386 (0) 4 517 0400
Managed byLoka Museum
Jana Mlakar, Director

Established by Škofja Loka Artists Association in the centre of the old town in 1978, Ivan Grohar Gallery is one of the leading fine arts exhibition venues in the Gorenjska region. It has been managed by Loka Museum since 2000.

The gallery's programme focuses on linking tradition with recent initiatives in the visual arts, presenting work by local artists as well as high-quality Slovene contemporary art. The programme consists of around 11 exhibitions each year.

The gallery space located in the centre of the old town is intimate and suitable for solo projects as well as ambient and multimedia installations.

See also

External links

46.165 +
Galerija Ivana Groharja, Škofja Loka +
14.307 +
SI-4220 Škofja Loka +
Established by Škofja Loka Artists Association in the centre of the old town in 1978, Ivan Grohar Gallery, Škofja Loka is one of the leading fine arts exhibition venues in the Gorenjska region. +
Established by Škofja Loka Artists Association in the centre of the old town in 1978, Ivan Grohar Gallery, Škofja Loka is one of the leading fine arts exhibition venues in the Gorenjska region. +
Škofja Loka +
SI-4220 +