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Festival SEVIQC
Slovenska cesta 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 242 0812, 386 (0) 51 303 040
Organised byArs Ramovš
Klemen Ramovš, Director

Phone386 (0) 1 242 0812

The Brežice Festival was established in 1982 by Ars Ramovš, who is the founder, organiser and producer of the annual event. Since 2007 has run under the name SEVIQC Brežice (abbreviation for Semper viva quam creata - Always as live as created).


All the festival venues are part of Slovenia's architectural and cultural heritage, mostly castles and churches of the Dolenjska and Posavje regions. As the festival highly respects decentralization and regionalisation of the cultural politics, its activities include almost all Slovenia - the events out of Dolenjska and Posavje are (within 2010 programme) presented also in Gornji Grad, Hrastovlje, Hoče, Koper, Ljubljana, Maribor, Moravske Toplice, Murska Sobota, Ptuj, Slovenj Gradec, Solčava, Šmarje pri Jelšah, Trbovlje, Trzin, Velenje, Žalec.


The Festival connects high-quality international Early Music practitioners with their counterparts from Slovenia. The main objective of the festival is to promote the revival of the Early Music scene in Slovenia. Other aims included stimulating cultural tourism, developing Early Music departments at Slovene conservatories and the Academy of Music, contributing to a higher level of professional music, and forming a European artistic, educational, and research centre for Early Music. The programme premieres new and authentic material, carefully chosen to promote the diversity of European early music, from the late Middle Ages right up to the beginning of the 20th century. In doing so, the programme breaks all taboos surrounding Early Music, giving it an insightful and honest platform and bringing in new audiences every time. It is a programme aimed specifically at the public but also enjoys a high reputation amongst professional music critics and audiences. The festival also encourages young Slovene artists and musicologists to study, research, and perform Early Music.

Radio Slovenia records most of the concerts of the Festival and since 1997 has also presented festival recordings throughout the year (Banchetto Musicale: Brežice after Brežice). One or two concerts a year are recorded for Slovenia's national television station TV Slovenia.

Beside hundreds of prominent individual artists, the festival so far (1997-2009) presented wordly recognized ensembles as follow: Accademia di Musica Antica Bolzano (I), Accademia Daniel Israel (IL), Adel Singers (N), Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie (PL), Arcanaensemble (I), Ars Antiqua Austria (A), Capella Savaria (H), Collegium Marianum (CZ), Dialogos (F), Ensemble Cantilena Antiqua (I), European Union Baroque Orchestra (GB), Helsinki Baroque Orchestra (SF), Het Barokorkest van het Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag (NL), Hrvatski barokni ansambl (HR), I Solisti di Cremona (I), Komorni zbor RTV Slovenija, La Stagione Frankfurt (D), London Baroque (GB), Melande Amsterdam (NL), Musica Antiqua Köln (D), Musica Antiqua Russica (RUS), Stockholm Antiqua (S), The Purcell Quartett (GB), Zarabanda (E) etc.

The 2010 edition (lasts from 22 June until 4 September) is about to present: Ensemble Unicorn and Michael Posch (A), Norwegian Cornett & Sackbuts (N), Camerata Trajectina (NL), Psallentes (B), Musicall Humors (F), Grupo Canzona (E), Zefiro Torna (B), Haydn Lute Trio (GB), Janas Ensemble (I) etc.

International cooperation

Since its inception in the 80s the festival has incorporated international cultural elements that are still relevant today. Each year the festival is organised in partnership with a national partner; previous partner countries were: in 2000 Great Britain; in 2001 the Netherlands; in 2002 the Czech Republic; in 2003 the European Union; in 2004 the Netherlands; in 2005 France; in 2006 Italy; and in 2007 Spain.

Radio Slovenia regularly exchanges festival recordings via the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

The Festival provides quite generous extra admission discounts (students; socially weak; family people; members of various Slovene societies and associations). There is a Festibus provided departuring from the very centre of Ljubljana and arriving back after each event.

Every concert is enriched by the superb wine degustation and some special event could take place, as well.

See also

External links

... more about "Seviqc"
Seviqc Brežice Festival +
Klemen Ramovš +
June - September (mostly July - August) +
25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 (2012) 13,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,39,44 (2013) 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 (2014) +
22.6.2015 - 11.11.2015, 22.6.2016 - 29.10.2016, 21.3.2017, 10.7.2017 - 1.12.2017, 20.6.2018 - 25.8.2018, 14.8.2019 - 24.8.2019, 8.8.2020 - 22.8.2020, 7.8.2021 - 23.8.2021, 12.8.2022 - 17.8.2022, 12.8.2023 - 22.8.2023, 9.8.2024 - 23.8.2024 +
20,240,823 +
20,240,809 +
201225 +, 201226 +, 201227 +, 201228 +, 201229 +, 201230 +, 201231 +, 201232 +, 201233 +, 201234 +, 201235 +, 201313 +, 201325 +, 201326 +, 201327 +, 201328 +, 201329 +, 201330 +, 201331 +, 201332 +, 201333 +, 201334 +, 201335 +, 201336 +, 201339 +, 201344 +, 201425 +, 201426 +, 201427 +, 201428 +, 201429 +, 201430 +, 201431 +, 201432 +, 201433 +, 201434 +, 201435 +, 201436 +, 201526 +, 201527 +, 201528 +, 201529 +, 201530 +, 201531 +, 201532 +, 201533 +, 201534 +, 201535 +, 201536 +, 201537 +, 201538 +, 201539 +, 201540 +, 201541 +, 201542 +, 201543 +, 201544 +, 201545 +, 201546 +, 201625 +, 201626 +, 201627 +, 201628 +, 201629 +, 201630 +, 201631 +, 201632 +, 201633 +, 201634 +, 201635 +, 201636 +, 201637 +, 201638 +, 201639 +, 201640 +, 201641 +, 201642 +, 201643 +, 201712 +, 201728 +, 201729 +, 201730 +, 201731 +, 201732 +, 201733 +, 201734 +, 201735 +, 201736 +, 201737 +, 201738 +, 201739 +, 201740 +, 201741 +, 201742 +, 201743 +, 201744 +, 201745 +, 201746 +, 201747 +, 201748 +, 201825 +, 201826 +, 201827 +, 201828 +, 201829 +, 201830 +, 201831 +, 201832 +, 201833 +, 201834 +, 201933 +, 201934 +, 202032 +, 202033 +, 202034 +, 202131 +, 202132 +, 202133 +, 202134 +, 202232 +, 202233 +, 202332 +, 202333 +, 202334 +, 202432 +, 202433 +  and 202434 +
annual +
Seviqc Brežice Festival +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Director +
Slovenska cesta 1 +
Today, the Seviqc Festival is synonymous with early music in Slovenia. +
Early music instruments showcased at the European Day of Early Music event, held annually on 21 March at the National Museum of Slovenia. Organized by Ars Ramovš, the event was part of the Seviqc festival in 2013.   +
Today, the Seviqc Festival is synonymous with early music in Slovenia. +
+386 / 1 242 0812, 386 / 51 303 040 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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