Dravograd Library

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Knjižnica Dravograd
Koroška cesta 47, SI-2370 Dravograd
Phone386 (0) 2 871 0760
Cvetka Čop, Head

Phone386 (0) 2 871 0761


... more about "Dravograd Library"
46.59 +
Knjižnica Dravograd +
15.017 +
SI-2370 Dravograd +
Tracing its origins back to 1921, Dravograd Library has stood as an information and cultural centre of the Municipality of Dravograd since 1966, playing an important role in enriching the social life and fostering reading culture. +
Tracing its origins back to 1921, Dravograd Library has stood as an information and cultural centre of the Municipality of Dravograd since 1966, playing an important role in enriching the social life and fostering reading culture. +
Dravograd +
SI-2370 +