Franc Bernik Culture House, Domžale
| name = Franc Bernik Culture House, Domžale
| localname = Kulturni dom Franca Bernika Domžale
| street = Ljubljanska 61
| town = SI-1230 Domžale
| telephone = 386 (0) 1 722 5050
| fax = 386 (0) 1 722 5055
| email =
| website =
| founded by = Municipality of Domžale
| contacts =
The theatrical series is divided into two series, one being a straight ahead modern theatre that hosts plays by other xx (xx). The other is curiously set around the musical-theatre concept, whereas each of the components sometimes prevlada.
The children's programme is very varied, and besides puppetry performances /besides the regular weekday programme there also Saturday morning performances), there are also animated films and creative workshops. In sklop of cultural education, there is also film programme, narazen dan for different age groups. ponuja tudi kvalitetnejše vsebine za otroke in mladino.
In the season of 2009/2010 the Cultural house also revived the cinema tradition of the town and now has over 200 screenings annually. An emphasis on the artistic quality of the selected films is made, a practice rare in peripheral urbanities. Its film screening programme is a part of the Art Cinema Network.
Musical programme
Besides the aforementioned musical-theatre series,
In 1999–2003 Franc Bernik Culture House took over the production of the Groblje International Festival of Chamber Music, one of the oldest festivals of its kind in Europe.
Poleg tega se v Galeriji Domžale enkrat mesečno odvija tudi cikel koncertov Jazz v galeriji, v katerem predstavljamo mlade in tudi bolj uveljavljene jazzovske glasbenike iz vseh koncev sveta. Letos cikel stopa v svojo peto sezono, v času od prvega koncerta pa se je uveljavil ko eden od slovenskih centrov jazzovskega dogajanja.
Na začetku leta 2011 je pod naš okvir prišla tudi Muzejska hiša Menačenkova domačija, ki je pomemben prostor domžalske kulturne dediščine zaradi ohranjanja in prikazovanja domžalske preteklosti, ki sloni na obrtniški tradiciji. Hiša je bila zgrajena na prehodu iz 19. v 20. stoletje kot bivališče in delavnica krojaške družine Ahčin z domačim imenom »Pr' Menačnk«. Od leta 2003 dalje je domačija obnovljena in preurejena v etnološki muzej.
See also
External links
- Franc Bernik Cultural Centre website (in Slovenian)
- Franc Bernik on Wikipedija (in Slovenian)