Poster Festival Ljubljana

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Festival plakata Ljubljana
Dolenjska cesta 83, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Past Events
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First European youth poster competition on a socio-political topic, Poster Festival Ljubljana, was established by Brumen Foundation in 2009 to communicate to a global audience important messages through the medium of posters and to assemble an outstanding collection of international posters. The 1st festival on the topic of Climate Change took place in May 2009 as a supporting programme of 4th Biennial of Slovene Visual Communication, consisting of Competition in poster design, Workshop for students, Eco debate and two main exhibitions: Masterpieces, exhibition of posters with various social-political contents by internationally acclaimed masters, and Coexistence, a visiting exhibition of Polish posters on the topic of co-existence. The festival is striving to become a regular event to creatively raise the socio-political awareness while presenting Ljubljana as a creative, open and cultural European city.



The main aim of the Workshop, hosted by internationally acclaimed design experts, is to facilitate mutual cooperation of students from partner Academies - young artists from different cultural backgrounds, who create visually clear and provocative messages for the general public and decision makers in environmental issues. The partners of Brumen Foundation are university-level design institutions in Groningen, Helsinki, Warsaw, Zagreb and Department of Design, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. All created posters become a courtesy of Brumen Foundation; they are displayed at the exhibition, presented in the catalogue and Festival's web gallery, where they are available to non-government/government EU institutions for only transmission costs. The first Workshop was attended by ninety students and was implemented under the guidance of Bruketa&Žinić, Jason Grant, Čedomir Kostović, Alain Le Quernec, Filip Pagowski and Annik Troxler. International jury composed of Dimitris Arvanitis, Anthon Beeke, Anette Lenz, Piotr Młodozeniec and Bruno Monguzzi awarded the prizes: 1st prize to Tomek Głowacki, 2nd prize to Darja Velušček and 3rd prize to Yosef Bercovich. All works were exhibited at the Jakopič Gallery.


The goal of the international competition of young designers under 35 years of age is to raise awareness and to spread the knowledge about important social topics. The first Competition on the topic of Climate Change resulted in a catalogue and the exhibition, held at the Jakopič Gallery. The international jury, comprising: Ivan Doroghy, Marjatta Itkonen, Radovan jenko, Cyprian Koscielniak and Mieczyslaw Wasiłewski chose 125 works from 516 of submitted works. 1st prize was awarded to Mathilde Fallot, 2nd prize to Luka Mancini and Katarina Mrvar from Lukatarina, 3rd prize to Jani Ikonen.


Masterpieces present rich collection of international poster designs on social topics. More than 100 acclaimed poster designers from all over the world presented their works at the grand exhibition at the National Gallery of Slovenia. The catalogue of all works introduced also Kostja Gatnik, Radovan Jenko, Ranko Novak from DesigNovak and Slavimir Stojanović from Futro.

See also

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