Circus Fantasticus, a film by Janez Burger produced by Staragara, winner of the Vesna Award for Best full-length film and Kodak Award, 13th Festival of Slovenian Film 2010 +
The opening of the exhibition Two Worlds. The work of Bogdan Grom 1938–2008 at the City Art Gallery Ljubljana in 2010. Bogdan Grom, Slovene painter, illustrator, sculptor, stage and graphic designer was born in Trieste, since 1957 living in the USA. +
Zoran Janković, Ljubljana Mayor (second from left) at the opening of graphic design exhibition Najboljše iz Vojvodine ('The best from Vojvodina') at the Atrium of the Magistrat Gallery (Ljubljana Town Hall), 2008 +
Majda Širca, Milan Kučan, and Zoran Janković at the opening of graphic design exhibition Najboljše iz Vojvodine at the Atrium of the Magistrat Gallery (Ljubljana Town Hall), 2008 +
The oldest wheel with an axle found at the Ljubljana Marshes (20 km south of Ljubljana) in 2002. The axle made of oak wood is 120 cm long. City Museum of Ljubljana, 2013 +
The world's oldest wheel found at the Ljubljana Marshes in 2002 is 5,200 years old, according to radiocarbon dating. The wheel with a radius of 70 cm is on display at the City Museum of Ljubljana, 2013. +