Municipal Museum of Krško
11 Sep 2018
30 Sep 2018
Czech Republic Prague Faculty of Arts (Charles University)
The exhibition dedicated to philosopher and thinker Mihajlo Rostohar, curated by Helena Rožman and prepared by the Municipal Museum of Krško in cooperation with University of Ljubljana Historical Archives and Museum and Masaryk University in Brno,
The institutional history of the museum coudl be traced back to the year 1939, when the Museum society for Krško and Brežice districs was founded. It was based at the building it houses today and at the desacralised church, which is today the krško gallery. In 1948, the house was emptied and its contents moved to brežice.
As for the house, its history goes a bit more back. In the second quarter of the century Anton pl. Hohenwart, the great-great-grandson of Valvasor, lived in it and was an avid ljubiteljski musealist. He was probably partly the reason for a zmeššnjava that happened at the end of the 19th century, when this house was labled as the place where Jj Valvasor spent his last years (in fact, the house was built as a municipal hiralnica). This pomota was treated as a fact for the next century - Pred t. i. Valvazorjevo hišo so leta 1966 postavili Valvazorjev kip, delo domačega akademskega kiparja in medaljerja Vladimirja Štovička - and was only duiscovered as such during the renovation of the house around the time the museum was opened in the sklop of Valvasor complex.
Yet, the real Valvasor's house was found to be one not far of - the Menicnger's house, Janez mencinger being one of those that opozorjal na neutemlejenost, though he did not know he lived in JVV's house. Anyway, this house has been in 2013 also bevcame a part of the museum.
Valvasor complex
The complex, which was renovated between 2008 and 2010 with a EU sklad money and is priject dating back to 1990s. All three houses present the main and architecturally most important part of old historic krško city centre. There is also the local JSKD office, the tourist information centre, the offices of various municipal cultural institutions and also for a few local cultural associations.
The permanent collections at the museum are the follwing - the JHanez Vajkard Valvasor collection, presenting docuemtns and artefacts from vavasor's life (and his family), a faksimile of his graphic collection called Iconotheca Valavsoriana and some more. With Janez releated is also the second collection, the room of honey products and gingerbread making – as he was the first in the Slovene region writing about the heritage and the ways of beekeeping and honey processing at that time. He described beekeeping, obtaining and processing honey as well as making qualitative mead and famous Carniolan gingerbread products ( življenju mesta v 18. stoletju). This is connected to the pathway of honey between krškjo and zagreb, another project; all of these were partly done in cooperation with the Coratian museums.
Another colections is called the "long razsvetlejnsko 18th century", yet another is posvečena to the 19th century gospdoarstvenica dn mecen Josipina Hočevar, and a gallery of Vladimir Štoviček, a scultpuror whiose medals amd statues o the local area.
Temporary collections
There was a number of temporrary collectiosn, some of them were focused on the history of local urban crafts, about the local monks and the life, an exhibitons exiles and also one on the neighbouring town of Brežice.
Menzingers house
The actuall house of Valvasor is also led by the msuek and has a legacy of the Janez mencinger, a writer, politivcian and odvetnik and important person of that timw. There is also a room with frescoes of protestant portraits from around 1550 and a also a huge number of space for other purposes.
A number of local events are held here, most of them open and some priavte. Among them are lectures on historic fugures, poetry evenigns, book discussions, exhibitons, hsitroci lectures, workshops for chuldren - the museum offers a number of them to scjol children, from the main tiopics to camera obscura
The museum was also a project led by the museum, ion wchope oif which izložbe in the city center became temporrxr exhibiztons psaces - botjh gfr atristic and historicačl themes.
See also
- Krško Culture House
- Grad Rajhenberg
- Krško gallery