Infoshop Metelkova
Basic activities
Opened on Wednesdays and Fridays from 5pm-8pm, as well some other days - when the programme is announced via the web site - [A]Infoshop offers a variety of events: regular Wednesday film evenings; vegan dinners (every second Tuesday); workshops; discussions; presentations; reading circles. This heart of Ljubljana's (social) anarchist, anarcho-communist, anarcho-feminist and other radical left activism and movement openly welcomes new ideas and iniciatives.
Members of [A]Infoshop publish the Avtonomija magazine, as well as regular monthly bulletin called Okrožnica Izdajamo redno mesečno publikacijo, t.i. mesečno okrožnico, v kateri si vsak mesec lahko preberete o naših aktivnostih, kratke novice iz sveta družbenih bojev, pregled preteklih dogodkov v Infoshopu, recenzijo ali dve o novih literanih pridobitvah naše knjižnice, naše poglede na aktualne teme in še kaj. Če naše okrožnice še ne prejemate, je zadnji čas, da se preko naših kontaktov nanjo naročite! Zainteresirani smo tudi za pomoč pri distribuciji!
Quickly growing library as well as archive of material culture (posters, flags, stickers, etc.) is also part of the [A]Infoshop. Mostly anarchistic and related literature, magazines, newpapers, fanzines and other publications are kept over there.
DISTRIBUCIJA Preko naše distribucije si lahko priskrbite najnovejše izvode anarhističnih časopisov in publikacij, revolucionarno glasbo na CD-jih, majice, našitke, značke in nalepke s subverzivnimi motivi, kavo iz Zapatističnih skupnosti, med in medico ter še kaj.
Free shop
Shoes and clothing could be swapped freely and costless. Second hand goodies could be found when needed over there, the collective also welcomes used stuff for further disposal.
Internet and reading room
The collective supports free internet access and provides quiet space for reading.
Autonomous (self-)organisation
[A]Infoshop offers the space to the variety of different groups, in order to organise meetings, actions and other activities: among them locals division of FAO (Federacija za anarhistično organiziranje) and AFI (Anarho-feministična iniciativa).