T5 Project Space
The Pecha Kucha Night programme features 10-15 short lectures per night during which projects and ideas are presented with each presenter being permitted 6 minutes and 40 seconds. The first Pecha Kucha Night Ljubljana was staged in April 2007 and featured Saša Begović, Uroš Belantič/Oktober Studio, Martin Bricelj/CodeSign/CodeEp, Aljoša Dekleva and Tina Gregorč/Dekleva-Gregorič Arhitekti, Maja Hawlina/Lowe Avanta, Miha Horvat in Metka Golec/Son:DA, Sanja Nešković Peršin, Sven Jonke/Foruse/Numen, Gregor Podnar/Gregor Podnar Gallery, Slavimir Stojanović/Futro, Miranda Veljačić and Dinko Peračić/Platforma 981. The Ljubljana Pecha Kucha events followed in June, September and October, cf http://www.pecha-kucha.org/ljubljana.