Beli sladoled is a painting group consisting of two academic painters, Miha Perne and Leon Zuodar. They are primarily interested in drawing and use the element of surprise when preparing exhibitions where they always avoid showing things twice.
Beli Sladoled develops a drawing in a wider context. It considers the drawings as living forms that set off visible reactions in contact with the viewer, mostly laughter. The drawings are usually on smaller formats and with various motifs that are a resault of atistic experiment and velopment of a context.
The members of the Beli sladoled met in 1998 at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. They created the group Beli sladoled and had their first exhibition in Slovenske Konjice, Kulturni dom in 2006. The name of the group Beli sladoled "White ice-cream" was choosen by coincidence.
Since 2008 Beli Sladoled is writting blog.
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