The RTV Archives and Documentation Service contains recordings of radio and television programmes produced by Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia), plus documentation dating back to the establishment of Radio Ljubljana in 1928. The archive and documentation service collects the material since its inception in 1958 - the year of the first regular television broadcasting at Televizija Slovenije.
Audio holdings (mostly from the period since 1945) include 180,000 audio tapes, 25,000 gramophone records and 7,500 CDs, whilst visual holdings (mostly from the period since 1958) comprise 90,000 video tapes, 20,000,000 metres of film (mostly 16mm format), 330,000 photos and 130,000 files of textual documents relating to the video material. Written application is required for access and fees are levied for using the facility. Holdings are being added. Catalogues are computerised and reproductions can be made in house by the user. Culture-related subjects include dramatic theatre, opera, operetta/musical, ballet/dance. pantomime/mime, children's theatre, puppet theatre, cabaret, amateur theatre, cinema, radio/TV, music/music performance and public celebrations. Some recent audio-video material has been digitalised and can be found on the website.