Paranoid Open Air Festival

Revision as of 13:05, 13 December 2011 by Tea Pristolič (talk | contribs)
  • This article desperately needs to be expanded by new articles about the Paranoid webzine (that is supposed to be one of the best not only in Slovenia but regionally; I'm not sure about the correct name, as it is called Paranoid while the address is, the Metal mania open air that has had a relatively big programme this year and also the Dirty Skunks musical programme - Veseli dihurčki society, that is also quite active in the Slovene musical staging.
  • Maybe I could include a paragraph about Paranoid-zine into this article, but it would be better the other way round, as the webzine is more visible than the festival. --Anže Zorman 16:17, 22 November 2011 (CET)
porihtano, odprt nov članek za webzine. dihurčki naj še malo smrdijo. --Admin 00:53, 23 November 2011 (CET)

duration weeks 2012: festivalskega datuma ne vedo zaradi prestavitve datumov Metalcampa... --Tea Pristolič 12:05, 13 December 2011 (CET)