Šum Magazine

From Culture.si

Šum, revija za kritiko sodobne umetnosti
Marije Hvaličeve 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Past events

Šum is a biannual journal for the critical examination of contemporary art. It produces theory and theory-based criticism of art and also reflects, researches and develops the mechanics of artistic production. These strivings are frequently complemented by live events such as seminars, discussions, lectures and live presentations of the published content. By way of such engagements, Šum delves into topics of working conditions, art's discursive systems, the roles of intermediaries in the field (i.e., museum, galleries, curators, etc.), and the related questions of self-organisation and autonomy.

Although predominantly focused on Slovenian-speaking readers, Šum also accepts articles written in English language. Its activities are based on a specific collaboration with various public institutions, NGOs and media organisations. Its editions are also available online.

The publishing model

The journal is rooted in the activities of the Galerija BOKS Society, which started as a formal platform for the student-run autonomous initiative "Projekt Boks" and later evolved into a vehicle for other collaborations between various protagonists of the art field. When one such (EU-funded) project finished with the publication of the texts generated, this led to the establishing of the journal in 2013.

Mostly publishing works by the younger generation of more or less self-employed cultural workers, the journal is financed by way of a co-production network, with the partner institutions (public institutions and some NGOs) financially backing up Šum, and also providing it with the infrastructure for distribution and for various public activities. Some of its partners have included MG+MSUM, the City Art Gallery Ljubljana, the International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC), Aksioma Institute, Kapelica Gallery, Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory, ŠKUC Gallery, the Maribor Art Gallery, the Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts and the Celje Gallery of Contemporary Art.

Writers and topics

The editorial team, members of which also contribute a significant part of the texts, is fluid and features Tjaša Pogačar, Domen Ograjenšek, Andrej Škufca, Kaja Kraner, Izidor Barši, Pia Brezavšček and Tomo Stanič. Alongside writing for Šum, the better part of this group has been writing for the web platform of European art museums, L’Internationale. They are also active in writing for other media and journals, such as Radio Študent (RŠ), the performing arts journal Maska, the magazine Praznine and the Likovne besede.

Some of the texts published up until now have examined the relationship between politics and aesthetics with regards to the theory of Walter Benjamin; the work of the Croatian artist Sanja Iveković; an exploration of contemporary art via the South African band Die Antwoord; translations of works by the likes of Chantal Mouffe and Hito Steyerl; and the possible relationships existing between critic Jacques Rivière, dancer Vaslav Nijinsky and poet Antonin Artaud.

Other activities

Šum's live activities, which continue upon the previous projects of Galerija BOKS Society, are rather broad. They include seminars on the theory, curating and analysing of contemporary art; live presentations of new journal editions; and other lectures, talks and debates that relate to art, theory and politics.

All these programmes deal both with theory as well as with concrete works and artists, especially those of a regional character. Their primary venues are the MGLC, the MSUM, Osmo/za and Škuc Gallery, but they collaborate with other partner institutions from the co-production network as well.

See also

External links

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Šum, revija za kritiko sodobne umetnosti +
biannual +
Šum, revija za kritiko sodobne umetnosti +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Marije Hvaličeve 14 +
Šum is a biannual journal for the critical examination of contemporary art. +
Šum is a biannual journal for the critical examination of contemporary art. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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