Association of Conservators of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia



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Slovensko konservatorsko društvo
Poljanska 40, SI-1000 Ljubljana

The Association of Conservators of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, founded in 1971, is a voluntary association of experts involved in the protection of natural features and cultural heritage, and aims to secure the interests of the profession. It is a successor of the Slovenian branch of the Yugoslavian Association of Conservators. Since 1990 it has been conferring the Stele Award for achievements in the field of conservation.


The association publishes different publications related to conservation science. It collaborates with the Association of Slovene Restorers, the Slovene Art History Society and the Slovene Museum Society as well as with other institutions, also in order to plan and prepare the national cultural program, laws and regulations regarding the protection of natural and cultural heritage.

In order to fulfil its goals the association organises a yearly assembly, lectures for experts and for the wider public, courses, exhibitions, excursions and workshops, such as the 2010 workshop in Stahovica on making traditional wooden roofing shingles [skodle].

See also

External links

Slovensko konservatorsko društvo +
Slovensko konservatorsko društvo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Poljanska 40 +
The Association of Conservators of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, founded in 1971, is a voluntary association of experts involved in the protection of natural features and cultural heritage, and aims to secure the interests of the profession. +
The Association of Conservators of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, founded in 1971, is a voluntary association of experts involved in the protection of natural features and cultural heritage, and aims to secure the interests of the profession. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +