Category:Visual arts education and research


Academy of Fine Arts and Design

The Academy of Fine Arts and Design (ALUO) was established in 1945 and has been housed since then on Erjavčeva Street. It comprises 4 academic departments and offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Graduate study courses take 4 years to complete and can be taken as full-time, part-time (1 to 3 vacancies) or parallel studies. They are held within the framework of 6 study programmes: 3 at the Design Department (Visual Communication, Industrial Design and Unique Design), and 3 more at the Departments of Painting, Sculpture and Restoration respectively. After completing their graduate studies, students can enrol in postgraduate studies within several programmes.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Article, NO LOGO, NIFERTIK, Education, Education and research, NO PHOTO, EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes), EU Culture funding recipient, HAS MAP, Public entities, Academies and faculties, Visual arts, Architecture & Design, Articles maintained by Dare Pejić, Design, Research, Education and Research, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Workshop organisers, Visual arts research, Visual arts workshop organisers, Design workshop organisers, Design course and workshop organisers, Visual arts education

France Stele Institute of Art History

The France Stele Institute of Art History is the central scientific research institution for art history in Slovenia which conducts research into fine arts and architecture from the Middle Ages to the mid-20th century, including the study, publishing, and commenting on archival sources for their historiography and interpretation. As one of the 17 institutes of the Scientific Research Centre at the Slovene Academy of Science and Arts (ZRC-SAZU), the Institute of Art History also maintains a library and documentation on Slovene art monuments and artists.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Article, NIFERTIK, HAS LOGO, NO PHOTO, HAS MAP, Visual arts, Architecture, Publishers, Architecture & Design, Research, Architecture research, Architecture education and research, Education and Research, Articles maintained by Ivan Pirnat, Visual arts research, Cultural heritage education and research, Heritage research, Visual arts publishers

Scientific Research Centre Slovene Academy of Science and Arts (logo).svg