Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs (CNVOS)

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Zavod Center za informiranje, sodelovanje in razvoj nevladnih organizacij (CNVOS)
Povšetova 37, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 542 1422

Founded in 2001 by 27 Slovene non-governmental organisations, CNVOS and under the initiative of the Government Office for European Affairs (GOEA), offers a variety of administrative and technical support services to NGOs, including conference and meeting rooms, technical equipment, event organisation and co-ordination between NGOs, central government and local authorities. It also runs a media archive consisting of press clippings, an information service (including weekly e-newsletter, website and database development, brochures and other publications) and a variety of educational activities including workshops and training seminars, international conferences, round tables, public debates and counselling services.

The Centre organises the annual Slovene NGO festival LUPA in several Slovene towns. CNVOS engages actively in national and international networking. Its activities are funded by the Governmental Office for European Affairs, the Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe, the Royal Netherlands Embassy and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

See also

External links

Zavod Center za informiranje, sodelovanje in razvoj nevladnih organizacij (CNVOS) +
Zavod Center za informiranje, sodelovanje in razvoj nevladnih organizacij (CNVOS) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Povšetova 37 +
Founded in 2001 by 27 Slovene non-governmeFounded in 2001 by 27 Slovene non-governmental organisations, CNVOS and under the initiative of the Government Office for European Affairs (GOEA), offers a variety of administrative and technical support services to NGOs, including conference and meeting rooms, technical equipment, event organisation and co-ordination between NGOs, central government and local authorities. central government and local authorities. +
Founded in 2001 by 27 Slovene non-governmeFounded in 2001 by 27 Slovene non-governmental organisations, CNVOS and under the initiative of the Government Office for European Affairs (GOEA), offers a variety of administrative and technical support services to NGOs, including conference and meeting rooms, technical equipment, event organisation and co-ordination between NGOs, central government and local authorities. central government and local authorities. +
+386 / 1 542 1422 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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