Government Office for Development and European Affairs (GODEA)



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Služba vlade Republike Slovenije za razvoj in evropske zadeve (SVREZ)
Gregorčičeva 25-25a, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 400 2451

The Government Office for Development and European Affairs (GODEA) was founded in December 2008, taking over the basic tasks of the two former offices – the Government Office for Growth and the Government Office for European Affairs, which had operated previously within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Prior to Slovenia joining the EU, the office was responsible for co-ordinating and monitoring Slovenia's preparation for EU membership.

Today the GODEA is the central body of Slovenia's Government engaged in co-ordination of development tasks and the tasks in the field of European affairs. It is instrumental in Slovenia's endeavours to participate in policymaking within EU institutions.


Since Slovenia's accession to the EU, the Office has been carrying out numerous tasks regarding the co-ordination of European affairs. These include co-ordination of Slovene participation as an EU Member State and its involvement in the work of EU institutions and bodies. It also supervises the preparation of materials on European affairs (other than Common Foreign and Security Policy) and participates in parliamentary debate on such matters. It co-ordinates the implementation of applicable agreements with the EU and the participation of Slovenia as regards technical assistance provided by the EU to third countries. The Office also co-operates with line ministries and other Government offices, Slovene representative bodies abroad, the working bodies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and EU institutions and bodies.

Cooperation with NGO sector

Among the activities of GODEA is the encouragement of co-operation with non-governmental organisations involved in civil society activities. The former Office for European Affairs was co-funder and mediator in the establishment of the Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs (CNVOS) with the aim of involving Slovene NGOs in the activities of umbrella organisations that have consultative status to the institutions of the European Union. In addition, GODEA has co-operated with the United Nations Development Programme.

See also

External links

Služba vlade Republike Slovenije za razvoj in evropske zadeve (SVREZ) +
Služba vlade Republike Slovenije za razvoj in evropske zadeve (SVREZ) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gregorčičeva 25-25a +
The Government Office for Development and European Affairs (GODEA)The Government Office for Development and European Affairs (GODEA) was founded in December 2008, taking over the basic tasks of the two former offices – the Government Office for Growth and the Government Office for European Affairs, which had operated previously within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Ministry of Foreign Affairs]]. +
The Government Office for Development and The Government Office for Development and European Affairs (GODEA) was founded in December 2008, taking over the basic tasks of the two former offices – the Government Office for Growth and the Government Office for European Affairs, which had operated previously within the Ministry of Foreign within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. +
+386 / 1 400 2451 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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