Centre for Karst Architecture

From Culture.si

Center za arhitekturo Krasa
Štanjel 1a, SI-6222 Štanjel

Located in the picturesque medieval settlement of Štanjel, the Centre for Karst Architecture (CKA) is dedicated to the research and dissemination of knowledge on the unique spatial, architectural and cultural heritage of the Karst. The centre maintains an archive and a small library featuring both new and old materials. It also tends to a permanent exhibition on the Karst's foremost architect, Maks Fabiani and the archive of the Maks Fabiani Foundation, both of which are located at Štanjel Castle.

Besides taking care of the archival and library collections, the centre has also set up and is developing a web resource on Karst architecture, where one can also find a manual on the faithful restoration of Karst houses.

Since its establishment, the centre works with a number of partners to enhance its research and preservation activities, including: the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, the Institute for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, and the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Art.

The Centre for Karst Architecture was launched through a project of the Municipality of Komen, which was co-funded in the period 2007–2013 through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia.

See also

External links


Center za arhitekturo Krasa +
Center za arhitekturo Krasa +
SI-6222 Štanjel +
Štanjel 1a +
Located in the picturesque medieval settlement of Štanjel, the Centre for Karst Architecture (CKA) is dedicated to the research and dissemination of knowledge on the unique spatial, architectural and cultural heritage of the Karst. +
Located in the picturesque medieval settlement of Štanjel, the Centre for Karst Architecture (CKA) is dedicated to the research and dissemination of knowledge on the unique spatial, architectural and cultural heritage of the Karst. +
Štanjel +
SI-6222 +