Consulate General of the Republic of Hungary in Lendava-Lendva



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Generalni konzulat Republike Madžarske v Sloveniji
Glavna ulica/Főutca 30, SI–9220 Lendava-Lendva
Phone386 (0) 2 577 3850

The Consulate General of the Republic of Hungary in Lendava-Lendva assists the Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Ljubljana in order to provide consular, economic, and cultural services. It also plays an active role in promoting Hungarian culture in Slovenia, particularly important for the Hungarian minority living in Slovenia.

See also

External links

Generalni konzulat Republike Madžarske v Sloveniji +
Generalni konzulat Republike Madžarske v Sloveniji +
SI–9220 Lendava-Lendva +
Glavna ulica/Főutca 30 +
The Consulate General of the Republic of Hungary in Lendava-Lendva assists the Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Ljubljana in order to provide consular, economic, and cultural services. +
The Consulate General of the Republic of Hungary in Lendava-Lendva assists the Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Ljubljana in order to provide consular, economic, and cultural services. +
+386 / 2 577 3850 +
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