Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in St.Pölten

Konzulat Republike Slovenije St. Pölten / Konsulat der Republik Slowenien St. Pölten +
Konzulat Republike Slovenije St. Pölten / Konsulat der Republik Slowenien St. Pölten +
A-3100 +
Neue Herrengasse 10/3 +
Please see also Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna and the Consulates of Slovenia in Graz, Klagenfurt, Linz, Wörgl-Innsbruck and Salzburg. +
Please see also Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna and the Consulates of Slovenia in Graz, Klagenfurt, Linz, Wörgl-Innsbruck and Salzburg. +
+43 1 907 83 83 +
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