Depot:Association of Non-Commercial Radio Stations of Slovenia
Its members are non-commercial radio stations (ie with a minimum of 40 per cent non-commercial programming content such as information, culture, sport, economy, internal affairs). In 2003 its members were Radio Kranj, Koroški Radio, Radio Robin, Radio Kobarid - Alpski val, Radio Odmev (Radio Cerkno), Radio Murski val, Radio Triglav, Radio Slovenske gorice, Studio D, Radio Celje, Radio Univox, Radio Sora, Radio Štajerski val (Radio Šmarje), Radio Ptuj, Radio Kum Trbovlje, Radio Gorenc and Radio Brežice.
The Association assists its members and co-ordinates many local and international projects. One of most popular programmes of the Association members is the so-called Četrta radijska mreža - 'Fourth Radio Network' - a radio programme prepared by one member is emitted last Thursday in the month by all members of the Association.