Depot:International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)



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Fédération internationale de l’art photographique (FIAP)

Founded in 1950 by Belgian photographer Dr M Van de Wijer, the Fédération internationale de l’art photographique (FIAP) aims to promote photographic art in all its aspects and through all kinds of photographic events. It conducts its activities worldwide, developing links between over 85 national photographic associations on five continents and affiliating these associations as its ordinary members. In all, it represents nearly one million individual photographers. All considerations of a political, ideological or racial nature are absolutely banned from the activities of FIAP. Biennials are organised every two years in different countries. FIAP holds a large collection of prints and slides submitted by applicants for FIAP distinctions such as Artiste FIAP and Artiste Excellent FIAP, most of which are stored at the Musée de l’Élysée in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 2000 FIAP published a book celebrating its 50 years of activity containing 250 black and white and colour reproductions.

Since 1998 23 titles have been bestowed on Slovene photographers or clubs, AFIAP (Artist FIAP) and twelve EFIAP (Excellence FIAP) titles). The highest title Hon EFIAP (Honorary Excellence FIAP) was appointed to the late Vlastja Simončič who also had the ESFIAP (Excellence for Rendered Services) title. The latter was also presented to Peter Pokorn, the MFIAP (Master FIAP) title was appointed Vinko Skale and the EFIAP/b (EFIAP-bronze) title is held by Aleksander Čufar.

In Slovenia the Photographic Federation of Slovenia is a member of FIAP.

Fédération internationale de l’art photographique (FIAP) +
Fédération internationale de l’art photographique (FIAP) +
Founded in 1950 by Belgian photographer Dr M Van de Wijer, the Fédération internationale de l’art photographique (FIAP) aims to promote photographic art in all its aspects and through all kinds of photographic events. +
Founded in 1950 by Belgian photographer Dr M Van de Wijer, the Fédération internationale de l’art photographique (FIAP) aims to promote photographic art in all its aspects and through all kinds of photographic events. +
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