Depot:Slovenian Tourist Information Centre (STIC)



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Slovenski turistični informacijski center (STIC)
Krekov trg 10, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 306 4575, 386 (0) 1 306 4576

The Slovenian Tourist Information Centre (STIC) is situated in the centre of Ljubljana, next to the open-air market. It is the largest, most modern and well-equipped tourist information point in Ljubljana, where information about all of the Slovene regions can be obtained.

Apart from the city map and numerous tourism publications which are available free of charge, it offers basic information on local transport, accommodation and other services for visitors, including car hire, guided tours of Ljubljana by boat, walking tours of Ljubljana, tourist train rides, hot air balloon rides and guided cycling tours of the city (all discounted with the Ljubljana Card).

The STIC also organises events relating to tourism and leisure time in Slovenia, including presentations of tourism products, cultural, culinary and other peculiarities and current events, all of which are intended for the broad public. Press conferences, round table debates and presentations are organised for tourism experts.

A 24-hour info line for tourist information operates on 981, while information on culture may be heard on 386 (0) 1 251 4025.

See also Ljubljana Tourist Information Centre (TIC), Ljubljana Railway Station Tourist Information Office and Ljubljana Airport Tourist Information Centre (TIC).

Slovenski turistični informacijski center (STIC) +
Slovenski turistični informacijski center (STIC) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Krekov trg 10 +
The Slovenian Tourist Information Centre (STIC) is situated in the centre of Ljubljana, next to the open-air market. +
The Slovenian Tourist Information Centre (STIC) is situated in the centre of Ljubljana, next to the open-air market. +
+386 / 1 306 4575, 386 / 1 306 4576 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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