Depot:Triglav Museum Collection, Mojstrana



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Triglavska muzejska zbirka
Triglavska cesta 50, SI-4281 Mojstrana
Phone386 (0) 4 589 1035

Established in 1984 in the former Jozel Inn at Mostrana, the Triglav Museum Collection, Mostrana presents the mountaineering collections of the Alpine Societies of Jesenice and Dovje Mojstrana. On its three floors are displayed a wealth of historical documents, photographs and artefacts, arranged in various exhibitions including mountaineering in Slovenia, the first attempts to climb Mount Triglav, Slovenia's highest peak, the founding and development of the Slovene Mountaineering Club and its branches, the construction of Alpine huts. the tourist club Skala, the work of the mountain rescue service, and the life and work of Jakob Aljaž, a renowned Triglav priest. Part of the exhibition is dedicated to a presentation of Triglav National Park.

The collection, which has been declared a cultural monument, is owned by the Alpine Society of Dovje Mojstrana and is under the professional care of the Upper Sava Museum Jesenice.

See also

External links

Triglavska muzejska zbirka +
Triglavska muzejska zbirka +
SI-4281 Mojstrana +
Triglavska cesta 50 +
Established in 1984 in the former Jozel Inn at Mostrana, the Triglav Museum Collection, Mostrana presents the mountaineering collections of the Alpine Societies of Jesenice and Dovje Mojstrana. +
Established in 1984 in the former Jozel Inn at Mostrana, the Triglav Museum Collection, Mostrana presents the mountaineering collections of the Alpine Societies of Jesenice and Dovje Mojstrana. +
+386 / 4 589 1035 +
Mojstrana +
SI-4281 +
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