Depot:Društvo 2000

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Društvo 2000 za kulturno dejavnost in civilno družbo
Slomškova 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 230 1192
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The Društvo 2000 ceased its activities in 2010, when the last publication was published. See below the archival article.

Archival article

The Revija 2000 went out of print in 2010. See below the archival article. Društvo 2000 ("Association 2000") was established in 1969 by a group of students who adhered to personalistic philosophy and principles of social movements. The group initially focused on the publication of Revija 2000 journal and later began organising symposia, lectures, and discussions. In collaboration with Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre, round table discussions on current social topics have been held.

In addition to having published Revija 2000 for 40 years, the association is active in publishing basic literature related to personalistic philosophy and social, political and national issues written by Slovene authors, such as Tine Hribar, and foreign ones. They have launched numerous literary works, including diaries and letters by Ivan Mrak and poetry by Josip Osti, as well as an anthology on aboriginal poetry and a collection of papers on Edvard Kocbek. Some of the foreign authors included in their publishing programme have been: Martin Buber, Simone Weil, Talal Hadi, and Gibran Khalil Gibran. New titles are usually complemented by presentations and press conferences, and available in most major bookstores in Slovenia. Their website features short descriptions of their books.

See also

External links

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Društvo 2000 za kulturno dejavnost in civilno družbo +
Društvo 2000 za kulturno dejavnost in civilno družbo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Slomškova 25 +
The Društvo 2000 ceased its activities in 2010, when the last publication was published. +
The Društvo 2000 ceased its activities in 2010, when the last publication was published. +
+386 / 1 230 1192 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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