Film images
34 images in film images.
The Family, a documentary long-feature film by Rok Biček produced by Cvinger Film in 2017.
Slovenian Girl [Slovenka], a film by Damjan Kozole produced by Vertigo/Emotionfilm, opening the Festival of Slovenian Film in 2009. The actress Nina Ivanišin got the Best Actress Award in Spain and France and the film was shown also in the cinemas round France.
Circus Fantasticus, a film by Janez Burger from Staragara - Ljubljana, winner of the Vesna Award for Best full-length film and the Kodak Award, 13th Festival of Slovenian Film 2010
Andrej ZdraviÄ's The Forest – Time Triptych film installation, The Larches, Antara, 2011
Film still from Circus Fantasticus, a film by Janez Burger from Staragara - Ljubljana, winner of the Vesna Award for Best full-length film and the Kodak Award, Festival of Slovenian Film 2010
Mulc – Kiddo, a stop-motion animation by Kolja Saksida, produced by A-Atalanta and co-produced by ZVVIKS, presented at the Festival of Slovenian Film, 2009
Class Enemy [Razredni sovražnik], a film directed by Rok Biček produced by Triglav Film, 2013
Majoš, a documentary by Amir Muratović, winner of the Vesna Award for Best Documentary Film, Festival of Slovenian Film 2010
9 06, a film by Igor Šterk from A. A. C. Productions, presented at the 12th Festival of Slovenian Film 2009
Circus Fantasticus, a film by Janez Burger produced by Staragara, winner of the Vesna Award for Best full-length film and Kodak Award, 13th Festival of Slovenian Film 2010
Film production Vertigo Bird by En-Knap Productions, 2008
Film production Dom svobode by En-Knap Productions
Still from the film Vertigo Bird by En-Knap Productions, with Iztok Kovač atop the chimney and Aleš Hadalin in the foreground.
Piran - Pirano, a film by Goran Vojnović, winner of the Vesna Award for Best Actress, Best Screenplay and Best Editing, Festival of Slovenian Film 2010
Moški, a film by Mina Bergant, winner of the Kodak Award for Best Student Film, Festival of Slovenian Film 2010
Mrtvaški ples [Dance of death], a film by Koni Steinbacher, winner of the Vesna Award for Best Animation, Festival of Slovenian Film 2010
Trst je naš [Trieste is ours], a film by Žiga Virc, winner of the Vesna Award for Best Actor, Festival of Slovenian Film 2010
10 let, a film by Peter Bratuša, winner of the Vesna Award for Best Short Film, Festival of Slovenian Film 2010
Going Our Way was directed and written by Miha Hočevar and produced by Vertigo/Emotionfilm. It won the Vesna Award for Best Actor and Viewer’s Choice Award at the Festival of Slovenian Film in 2010.
Zeleni dim [Green Smoke], a film by Tomaž Gorkič produced by Production House 666, 2008
Nina Ivanišin in the lead role of the amateur photo model Zina in Idila [Idyll], a film by Tomaž Gorkič that "plays with the genre pattern of a horrifying confrontation between rural an urban". Presented also at the 68th Cannes Festival Film Market, 2015
Lotos Vincenc Šparovec plays an odd local in Idila [Idyll], a film by Tomaž Gorkič produced by Blade Production, Production House 666 and Strup Productions, presented also at the 68th Cannes International Film Festival, 2015
Sequence of Death (M is for Music), a short film by Tomaž Gorkič produced by Production House 666 and Strup Productions, presented also at the 28th Leeds International Film Festival, 2014
Film still from the feature documentary Crossing Iceland by Jure Breceljnik, FilmIT Production House 2016
Veriga mesa [Chain of Flesh], a film by Tomaž Gorkič produced by Production House 666 and Strup Productions , 2009