International Tourism Institute


Mednarodni inštitut za turizem pri Nacionalem turističnem združenju, Ljubljana
Vošnjakova 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 41 760 850


International Tourism Institute (ITI) has been founded in 1994 by National Tourist Association and major Slovenian tourism companies.

GOTHICmed, A Virtual Museum of Mediterranean Gothic Architecture

The cultural heritage project that got support within the Culture 2000 EU funding scheme in 2004 was initiated by the Autonomic Secretariat of Culture, Generalitat Valencia, and established a multiannual collaboration of numerous partners from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Slovenia (partnership with International Tourism Institute). A travelling exhibition presented models of Mediterranean Gothic culture and characteristics of the regions in Valencia, Ljubljana, Palermo, Athens and Lisbon.

External links

Mednarodni inštitut za turizem pri Nacionalem turističnem združenju, Ljubljana +
Mednarodni inštitut za turizem pri Nacionalem turističnem združenju, Ljubljana +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Vošnjakova 5 +
International Tourism Institute (ITI) has been founded in 1994 by National Tourist Association and major Slovenian tourism companies. +
International Tourism Institute (ITI) has been founded in 1994 by National Tourist Association and major Slovenian tourism companies. +
+386 / 41 760 850 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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