National Tourist Association



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Nacionalno turistično združenje
Vošnjakova 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 5 971 0576

The National Tourist Association was founded in December 1993 as a non-governmental and non-profit organisation with the aim of optimising the contribution of tourism as an economic activity to higher production, economic growth, job creation and faster inclusion in the market economy of the EU and business development. For years it published the Slovene professional magazine Tourist News and the periodical miscellany Academia Turistica and organisd seminars and lectures, thematic meetings involving domestic and foreign experts, and annual international conferences and congresses (‘Rise to Excellence - Topmost Trademarks in Tourism’).

Today the Association executes and encourages research primarily within its internal International Tourism Institute, which specialises in the analysis of tourism valorisation, marketing analysis, developmental planning, education and training.

International programmes

In 1999 the National Toursit Association gained additional financial support from the EU Leonardo da Vinci programme. It has collaborated with international and EU projects and co-operated with numerous international tourist organisations and associations (including AIEST, WTO, ETC, ASTA, IH&RA, ECTAA, UNEP).

The NTA has been engaged in several international networks and programmes, e.b. KNOWNET- A European Knowledge Network for the Competitiveness & Sustainability of European Tourism SMEs, CAPACITIES - Competitiveness Actions and Policies for Alpine Cities and TURAG4ALL - Travel Agency for Persons with Disabilities.

See also

External links

Nacionalno turistično združenje +
Nacionalno turistično združenje +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Vošnjakova 5 +
The National Tourist AssociationThe National Tourist Association was founded in December 1993 as a non-governmental and non-profit organisation with the aim of optimising the contribution of tourism as an economic activity to higher production, economic growth, job creation and faster inclusion in the market economy of the EU and business development.conomy of the EU and business development. +
The National Tourist Association was foundThe National Tourist Association was founded in December 1993 as a non-governmental and non-profit organisation with the aim of optimising the contribution of tourism as an economic activity to higher production, economic growth, job creation and faster inclusion in the market economy of the EU and business development.conomy of the EU and business development. +
+386 / 5 971 0576 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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