LILA Landezine International Landscape Award



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LILA Mednarodna nagrada za krajinsko arhitekturo Landezine
Krakovski nasip 26, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 40 814004
Founded byLandezine

In 2016, Landezine, a society for promotion of landscape architecture located in Ljubljana, expanded its network and empowered its voice in the global community by launching a series of international symposiums Landezine LIVE and LILA Landezine International Landscape Award. At that time, the LILA Award was the only international award in the world that did not reward individual projects, but rather the landscape architecture collectives and individuals for their approach to creating an open space.


The first LILA Landezine International Landscape Award went to the Catalan Bureau EMF - Estudi Marti Franch. LILA 2017, named Beyond Green, awarded office and project categories and was organized in September 2017, also in Ljubljana.

LILA 2018, named Attitudes, took place in October 2018 at HafenCity University in Hamburg in Germany. Only in 2018, 119 eligible office projects, 249 public projects and 44 gardens projects were judged by the international juries, and there was one winner in each of the three categories, one special mention in office category and one in garden category.

See also

External links

LILA Mednarodna nagrada za krajinsko arhitekturo Landezine +
LILA Mednarodna nagrada za krajinsko arhitekturo Landezine +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Krakovski nasip 26 +
In 2016, Landezine, a society for promotioIn 2016, Landezine, a society for promotion of landscape architecture located in Ljubljana, expanded its network and empowered its voice in the global community by launching a series of international symposiums Landezine LIVE and LILA Landezine International Landscape Award.LILA Landezine International Landscape Award. +
In 2016, Landezine, a society for promotioIn 2016, Landezine, a society for promotion of landscape architecture located in Ljubljana, expanded its network and empowered its voice in the global community by launching a series of international symposiums Landezine LIVE and LILA Landezine International Landscape Award.A Landezine International Landscape Award. +
+386 / 40 814004 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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