11 Mar 2016
27 Mar 2016
L’innocente, directed by Diego de Brea and produced by Mladinsko Theatre, and Faust, directed by Tomaž Pandur (Pandur.Theaters) and produced by Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana, at the Ibero-American Theater Festival of Bogota
16 Apr 2015
3 May 2015
Shakespeare’s King Lear, directed by Tomaž Pandur (Pandur.Theaters), supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Athens,
21 Nov 2014
11 Jan 2015
Goethe’s Faust, directed by Tomaž Pandur (Pandur.Theaters) with Livija Pandur, Lada Kaštelan, Boris Benko, Primož Hladnik and Aljoša Rebolj
4 Jul 2014
6 Jul 2014
Euripides's Medea, directed by Tomaž Pandur and co-produced by Pandur.Theaters, at the 18th International Ancient Greek Drama Festival, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Athens,
25 Sep 2013
27 Sep 2013
Michelangelo, directed by Tomaž Pandur and produced by Pandur.Theaters and Croatian National Theatre Zagreb,
1 Sep 2013
7 Sep 2013
Michelangelo, directed by Tomaž Pandur and produced by Pandur.Theaters and Croatian National Theatre Zagreb,
18 Jul 2013
22 Aug 2013
Performances - Euripides's Medea, directed by Tomaž Pandur (Pandur.Theaters), Plato's Trial of Socrates, directed by Tomi Janežič, and Prokofjev's ballet Romeo and Juliet, produced by the Slovene National Theatre Maribor, and a concert by violinist Lana Trotovšek and pianist Simon Lane, at the Dubrovnik Summer Festival
12 Jul 2013
The world première of Michelangelo, directed by Tomaž Pandur and produced by Pandur.Theaters and Croatian National Theatre Zagreb, at the Mittelfest
6 Jun 2013
1 Sep 2013
Pandur.Theaters (Tomaž Pandur) with a number of projects combining performance and visual arts
25 Mar 2013
Euripides's Medea, directed by Tomaž Pandur (Pandur.Theaters)
11 Nov 2012
Euripides's Medea, directed by Tomaž Pandur (Pandur.Theaters)
11 Oct 2012
18 Oct 2012
Euripides's Medea, directed by Tomaž Pandur (Pandur.Theaters)
28 Sep 2012
5 Oct 2012
Euripides's Medea, directed by Tomaž Pandur (Pandur.Theaters)
10 Jul 2012
25 Aug 2012
The Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra; Sophocles's Oedipus the King directed by Eduard Miler; Divine Comedy, choreographed by Edward Clug, music by Milko Lazar and Borut Kržišnik, costumes by Maja Mirković; and Euripides's Medea, directed by Tomaž Pandur (Pandur.Theaters) at the Dubrovnik Summer Festival
28 May 2012
6 Jun 2012
War and Peace by Tomaž Pandur, coproduced by Pandur.Theaters and Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012
Theatre director Tomaž Pandur started developing his authentic and creative approach to theatre already prior to his graduation at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT) with his theatre productions in the frame of the Thespis' Wagon - The New Slovene Theatre. The play that turned the then-promising director into a well-known and even controversial author was the 1989 production of Scheherazade [Šeherezada], produced by Mladinsko Theatre, which received all the first prizes and a laurel wreath at the International Theatre Festival MESS in Sarajevo and was also extremely well received by the audiences, as it remained on the repertoire for over 10 seasons. From 1989 to 1996, Pandur was the Artistic Director of the Drama of the Slovene National Theatre Maribor, where he started realising his theatrical visions with plays such as Faust (1991), Hamlet (1992), Carmen (1993), The Divine Comedy (1994), Russian Mission [Ruska misija] (1995), co-produced by Steirischer Herbst, Austria, etc.
Themes, preoccupations, and approaches
From the very beginnings, Pandur's productions evince an avid interest in the capital works of world spiritual heritage, drawing on and from the greatest literary authors, literary figures, myths, narratives, and personalities. Serving as an inspiration, Pandur tackles these great themes in an entirely new way, combining literary, musical, visual, dance, and movement elements into a theatrical form of its own right. It is said that his theatre is multicultural, as it draws on Western as well as non-Western (theatre) practices, ranging from Balinese dance, Noh, Dervish dances, Commedia dell Arte, Kathakali, Butoh, Biomechanics, acrobatics, to mention but a few. In terms of genre, Pandur has directed pure dramatic theatre plays; the ballet The Wings [Krila] (2006), produced by Compania Nacional de Danza, Madrid, Spain; and two operas, however, the bulk of his productions are extremely hybrid in the sense of post-dramatic theatre. Always fluid and diffuse, his productions are characterised by an an intermedia approach in which text, printed letters, video, photography, sound, and signs comprise a separate and equally valuable instrumentarium for making theatre.
The themes that continuously preoccupy his theatrical research are the (im)possibilities of communication in human inter-relations and the particularity of the individual's experience in relation to other experiences. Pandur's theatre is an extremely erudite theatre full of luxurious visual structures and intricate constructions, abound in symbolism, mysticism, and dream-like landscapes as well as the ritualistic and the magical.
Pandur.Theaters productions
The first play to be produced by the newly established Pandur.Theaters was Dictionary of the Khazars [Hazarski besednjak] (2002) written by the Serbian novelist Milorad Pavić and co-produced by Ljubljana Festival, Ex-ponto, Atelje 212 Belgrade, and Sava Centre Belgrade. One Hundred Minutes [Sto minut] (2003), co-produced by Ljubljana Festival, was inspired by the Brothers Karamazov by F. M. Dostoevsky. A melancholic ode to the great genius Nikola Tesla Tesla Electric Company (2006) was produced in collaboration with Ulysses Theatre (Croatia), Mittelfest Festival (Italy) and featured Pandur's regular collaborators the set designers Numen and music duo Silence. Caligula [Kaligula] (2008), co-produced by Gavella Drama Theater Zagreb, City Theatre Budva, Ulysses Theatre, Croatia, Ohrid Summer Festival, Macedonia, and Mittelfest Festival, Italy, included photo materials by Aljoša Rebolj, also a regular collaborator of Pandur. Medea [Medeja] (2012), War and Peace [Vojna in mir] (2012), and Michelangelo (2013) were co-produced by the Croatian National Theatre, with War and Peace being co-produced also by the Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012. In 2014, Pandur directed Richard III+II, a dramatic diptych with an epilogue on death, at the Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana.
Pandur also works extensively outside of Pandur.Theaters with major theatre houses across Europe, such as Teatro Español, Madrid, Spain, where he directed Hamlet (2009) and Twilight of the Gods (2011); Staatsoper Berlin, Germany, where he staged Symphony of Sorrowful Songs (2010); as well as Teatro Fernán Gómez and Centro Cultural de la Villa, Madrid, Spain; Thalia Theatre, Hamburg, Germany, etc.
Tomaž Pandur's theatre spectacles have appeared in numerous national and international theatre festivals across the globe. He regularly appears with unprecedented success at Festival Iberoamericano de Theatro, Bogota, Columbia, and Festival Mittelfest, Italy. Pandur.Theaters productions have also travelled to Spain, the Canary Islands, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Germany, Serbia, etc.
Pandur is the multiple recipient of the Borštnik Award for best direction and best performance at the Maribor Theatre Festival and the recipient of the Prešeren Foundation Award. He has also been awarded several Golden Mask Awards at the International Theatre Festival MESS in Sarajevo, where he also received the Golden Laurel Wreath for Direction. His productions have been awarded the highest prizes at festivals in Mexico, Buenos Aires, and Belgrade. In 2011, Pandur was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, one of Spain's highest decorations.
See also
- Mladinsko Theatre
- Slovene National Theatre Maribor
- Ljubljana Festival
- Ex-ponto
- Silence
- Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana