Museums, Archives and Libraries Sector, Ministry of Culture
Libraries support
The Ministry co-funds various programmes and projects of libraries. The most important of these is the programme of the National and University Library (NUK) covering the national book heritage, and building the new Slovene Digital Library by digitising library collections, depositing web publications and developing the national portal for digitised cultural and scientific collections - cf. - Digital Library of Slovenia.
The Ministry provides for the annual purchase of books for public libraries, supporting programmes of the 10 regional libraries such as building regional book collections, co-ordinating library promotion projects in the regions, advising on local studies collections, digitisation and E-contents. The Ministry covers library projects on information literacy and reading, the purchase of IT and other communication equipment for libraries, and supports the development of the mobile library network. Supporting library programmes for national minorities (at Srečko Vilhar Public Library, Koper-Capodistria, Izola-Isola Principal Library, Piran City Library, and Lendava-Lendva Library) is also of great importance, as is the financing of various smaller programmes such as the German Reading Room in Ljubljana and the programmes of the Slovenian Library Association.
See also
External links
- Library funding
- Library support services
- Funding
- Literature
- National funding
- Archival funding, professional and support services
- Funding, professional and support services
- Library funding, professional and support services
- Literature funding, professional and support services
- Museum funding, professional and support services