Večer Newspaper

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Gosposka ulica 8, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 235 3500

The daily newspaper Večer [Evening] has appeared since 1945 (renamed to Večer from Vestnik after seven years) and is the central newspaper in eastern Slovenia published by Večer Publishing House. Večer correspondent offices are located in Ljubljana, Celje, Murska Sobota and Ravne na Koroškem. The online version has been available since 1998.

According to the Readership and readers survey by Valicon, Delo in 2018 was read by 111.900 people each day, which gives it a 7.1 per cent daily reach.

The Večer Publishing House confers the annual Večernica Award for the best literary work by young people. In 2016 it took over the Stop Magazine and the Viktor Award for the most popular creators in media and popular culture, however since 2017 the Viktors were not bestowed.

Večer has cooperated with the French newspaper Le Soir and other international newspapers.

See also

External link